Thursday, March 1, 2007

Truth and Mirrors

Good Morning,
I debated whether I wanted this on the blog or just sent as a group. Decision made group it is.
I just checked it out and Mercury while still being retrograde moved into Aquarius, which opens up new dimensions in its focus of new vibrations. I think we are seeing all of that. Aquarius is the humanitarian as well. I bring this up as a reminder to me that our timing of course is perfect. We are reaching so deep into the depths of our being and we are not willing to accept the statis quo. Good on us.
I so love the beauty of our discussion in class last night and what has come out in the emails today. The beauty of owning what we have been running from. I am always asking myself what the hell is up with me. I love playing the circling game....I come from a good DNA that teaches us how to circle and circle well. Run a mental dialogue and you can keep things going for years and years and never really touch why the hell you are living your most fullest and best life. So I am driving to work on Tuesday feeling pretty right with the world, traffic was perfect the big snowstorm hadn't hit yet...I am in gratitude over things being perfect in that moment. Then seemingly out of the blue the question pops Jac what is it you really and truthfully want, no more mind games no more running, narrow it down what is it you want????? Then I go now just a minute I am in this perfect space driving down the road to work I can look South and things are looking clear and the mountains are beautiful, then I look North, geez the storm is coming, it won't be long. Then I decide that I am not going to buzz my brain with this discussion about what I want....yup, I will deal with it later so I can put a rein on my circling brain. Now I am still doing good staying in the moment and when I get done at school and think hey, I am close to Turiya and I do need to get another crystal for my Manifesting Mesa, so to Turiyas I go. Find the crystal the minute I walk in the door, look over and see this beautiful piece of Labradorite, I looking at it and I think gee that looks like a, Jesus...connection here. Next morning I am writing in my journal about what the heck is going on and I am sooooo determined not to play the circling the mind game. I do ask so what it the fear......oooooppppsssss, slam on the brakes, is this for me how the mind game begins you have a question then you have to do all this tracking....yes I know if you just would go up and ask you may get your answer....then I think that is also a trap for me go into the heart Jac and ask, with all your heart knowing, what is it that stops you from being all you can be and in your wisdom what is it that you really want to call to yourself, what types of things do you want to be as if. Then I hear Jac surrender to yourself, surrender to your light, give up the flight from who you are, stop and be still. Then my Labradorite Fish comes to mind and I say so what is the connection to Jesus that drew you to the my heart of hearts I say you know I want to be in service to teach the ones that come to me how to fish so they may feed and nurture their selves. If this means to have the school for the kids so we can teach them how to nurture and be nurtured then so be it....Then at class where does the discussion go......In class last night I also saw that all of us in some way or another all struggle with being all we can be, we all minimize our light, we minimize our gifts...Joy struggled with the extra money, me I can't seem to get my art out there to see what will happen, or I can say putting myself out there to see what will happen. So what I saw in the reflectors was me surrounding myself with witnessing people that minimize who they are....
I also want to say that I don't want to take the Lance Armstrong approach either, in that I have to state how great I am. I want who I am to be reflected in what I do so that it goes with out having to say it. If a art piece works for someone then the energy will show, if a child has come to realize their beauty the energy will reflect that...this is what I want....
I also realized that my visions of so long ago are really here, now in this moment.
I love what is happening to us, I can so feel the God in it all. Yes we are the Spirit housed in these beautiful bodies and we are one hell of a creation....
Yes, instead of anyone sitting in judgement of another we are just the mirrors of what we want to see about ourselves.
Lovingly, Jac

1 comment:

Joy! said...

GOOD for you for posting it Jac!
That's what I was getting at-see in each other. She in THEM, YOUR issue! That's exactly what it was about.
That if we can admit we see it in each other-THEN we can own it in ourselves.
IF we pretend we don't see it in those around us, then we are only fooling ourselves!

Yes, we love each other, and that isn't the point. And it isn't about what you see in THEM-for them. That's those critical judgemental people, like Lauren's story about her "best friend" screaming at her. She was only screaming at herself, right?

If we can clear this in ourselves, then we help each other clear it. And we move even closer to the manifesting of the copper tray girls! :)

Now you've got it, surrendering to the exercise.