Sunday, January 28, 2007


Making wheatgrass juice at home is easy with that little machine! I bought the MIRACLE MJ550 at $169, and they had it on the shelf at Good Earth in Sandy or I probably would have waited a bit longer. I'm impulsive that way.

Tip: put the wheatgrass pulp back through for another chew. It's easy because the pulp comes out the end as it is an extruder! It seemed to be darker than in the store. It definitely was stronger, but way sweet. I loveit. The store probably doesn't send it through twice. There are only a few parts to clean, it unscrews easy, so simple. And not to terribly big either. I like all those things.

As to the wheatgrass:
if you check, they claim it cures just about everything. I found lists of 40 or more items it is good for.
It's 70% chlorophyll, and it mimics our red blood in composition which means our body can easily assimilate it with no effort. It's good for ANY blood issue, heart issue, and thyroid. Yeah!
It balances blood sugars, raises red blood cell counts, oxygenates,
It is good for anemia YEAH again!
and it is good for all skin ailments too including using it topically. There was even a site that said it would heal scars if taken for 7-8 mns.
Use it for any tooth or gum issue, any mouth issue, or throat.
Of course, the colon and stomach,
but also for uterine issues,
pancreas and liver issues,
removes heavy metals,
clears up diabetes and arthritis to name a few!
Also, skin stuff-like sunburns, itching, and insect bites, boils, tumors, rashes.
It stimulates the metabolism-which is probably why it figures in with the thyroid. Is that enough???

Well Jac, it speeds skin grafting, and healings to do with the skin-I would have your sister take wheatgrass shots to the hospital for your nephew. We did that with a friend who smashed her face in a car accident-and she healed beautifully with no scaring. She went face first into the steering wheel (before airbags) and had to have her cheekbones rebuilt and her nose had been crushed. Beautiful unbelievable recovery.

And Pam, for your son too! It's so good at boosting the body for rapid healing.

What I like is it contains more light energy than any other element. And get this-15 pounds of wheatgrass is equal to 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery etc. Hmmm. That's why little shots at a time. It's potent stuff!

Take 1 oz at a time, space it if you want to take more, (Rebecca that's good for us to know NOW!) and take it on an empty stomach, wait 30 min before eating. Chew it and really swirl it around your teeth-it also is supposed to tighten your gums.

Ann Wigmore really is who made wheatgrass famous, including the wheatgrass implants. Her story in a very short version is that at 55 or so she had a bad car accident and gangrene set in in her legs. The doctors wanted to amputate. Instead she healed herself with wheatgrass and dandelion greens and a raw diet. She founded the Hippocrates Institute (her hair went from gray to brown again) and she died in a housefire at 91, otherwise healthy after healing people from all sorts of things for like 40 years or so. Good healer, bad electrician. Despite conspiracy theories, they say it was accidental. The Ann Wigmore foundation is alive and well in New Mexico! You can do a 10 day retreat for $1500. including your room and all the wheatgrass shots you can handle!

1 comment:

Jacqueline Brown, said...

Thanks so much for the info....I will definitely let my sister know about the wheatgrass...