Your brain functions on good fats, so give yourself exactly what you need. I like the taste of Carlson's. Yep. That's exactly right-I LIKE the taste and drink it straight. Give it a try.
Omega 3 from flax seeds contain no DHA, which is essential for the brain. But! It does contain ALA, (alpha linolenic acid), which is what our body needs to create EPA, and then convert EPA to DHA. A lot of steps, and if the body isn't healthy, if it has a sluggish metabolism or has a health issue of some sort, or is low in vital nutrients, those steps might not get done in a speedy fashion, if at all. If it can't it won't.
What then happens, if the body can't use it, it's considered a toxin. It either has to flush it or shove it away, which both can be misinterpreted as allergic responses. GIVE your body the nutrition it needs to really do the job you want it to do.
If you are deficient in zinc, B6, B12, B3 or C you also might have trouble metabolizing the needed conversion.
If you are pyroluric, you have trouble retaining and properly using B6 and require more zince. If you ohave histapenia or histadelia you may have trouble metabolizing without higher B vitamins, specifically B3 (niacinamide), B6 (pyrodine) and B12 to offset imbalances in histamine due to high or low copper.
Get your omega 3 oils up, and get them in a fish oil form that has the necessary DHA already, and make it easier on your body. Once it gets the nutrients it needs, it will start operating better for you! It just makes good sense.
One more thing on fatty acids:
While Omega 6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids, and cannot be made in the body, our Western diet tends to put us too HIGH in omega 6 in ratio to omega 3. That imbalance can contribute to all sorts of diseases. According to the University of Maryland, their list includes: heart disease, cancer, asthma, arthritis, and depression. An interesting list! Click below to read the full article.
"A healthy diet should consist of roughly 2-4 time more omega 6 than omega 3. The typical American diet tends to contain 14-25 times more omega 6 than omega 3."
Many researchers are beginning to point to this for the rise in inflammatory disease in our country. Why? What we know is that inflammation is a sign of toxicity, and if the body can't use it, and it can't process it out, it has to do something with it and it starts to put it in the fat cells. That's their job, and that's set up to save those vital things like your heart and liver.
Too much omega 6 fatty acids in the blood can slow it down. Omega 6's come from vegetable oils and are unsaturated. While we do need some, we don't need as much as was earlier thought. Remember: it's only true until it's not true. AND unfortunately with our food industry freely adding hormones to our meats, we are all getting too much estrogen-I question the efficacy of adding omega 6 for this reason.
The best sources for omega 3 oil are cold water fish, and wild is better than aquaculture. True!
Alt. Med / Univ of Maryland Med Ctr
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