Monday, October 3, 2011

Virgin Coconut Oil for Thyroid Health

Virgin Coconut Oil is composed of primarily medium chain fatty acids, unlike many other vegetable oils that are composed of long chain fatty acids.
Longer chain fatty acids tend to oxidize quickly and become rancid. For this reason, food manufacturers have hydrogenated these types of oils for years to make them more shelf-stable.
But the process of hydrogenating vegetable oils has produced trans fatty acids, which are not readily found within nature, and have now been determined as a danger to our health.
The FDA started requiring food manufacturers to list trans fatty acids in their labels in January of 2006. People concerned about thyroid health should avoid trans fatty acids.
The medium chain fatty acids found in Virgin Coconut Oil, on the other hand, are very stable and not prone to oxidation. Virgin Coconut Oil does not contain trans fatty acids.

The medium chain fatty acids found in Virgin Coconut Oil support:
immune system health
thyroid health
hormone balance
increases the body's metabolism
increases energy levels
normalizes digestion and absorption

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