so i googled shaman and lauren and our site came up of course which is cool, the thing that freaked me out was the post that came up with it. it was dated july 31 2007 - i said i was selling my apt. it said i had figured it out and i was selling it. today my realtor emailed me to say that someone was asking about it .... hmmmm again with this choice...i guess when theres a clear answer i will know and all conversations of yes or no here or there are just the drama of the inbetweens.
ug those inbetweens are sometimes still a little hard!
When I am not sure about something, a choice I have to make, I don't make one. If you aren't sure, if you haven't gotten that internal yes, this is what I want and this is for my highest and greatest, stand where you are. Sell if you are sure, don't sell if you aren't sure. Even if there is fear of letting go, or fear of whatever, the connected Source part of you will still signal you with a clear answer if you ask. Look at other times in your life that you have moved ahead even when there was fear. Why, because the inner Source and knowing was there in addition to the fear.
I wait for a clear signal too. And sometimes the outside me gets fucking tired of waiting for that signal-I hear ya! :)
But on the other hand, when I jump without it, I usually regret it.
Do you really want to sell?
Do you know what you would do if you did?
Answer the questions and it might help.
What to do...What to do...
We all are asking where we are in the big picture as well as what do we want our picture to look like. What are we aiming for....
its annoying the back and forth! its not fear thats keeping me or not keeping me its more right now what is the best financial option for now and what is the best option for me so that i dont just sell and then not have a place i can afford...which i guess goes hand in hand with what ive been working on all around making good decisions with money.
its that holding pattern thats hard too sometimes - the renovation is almost finished so we shall see what it all looks like and whats next when its complete.
well-some might say that the synchronicity of the blog and the offer would BE a clear sign.
it could be that you are being said to GET CLEAR.
What do you want? What does the inside of you feel about selling? Your Mom sold-does she regret it? Sounds like you are more afraid of regretting the decision, which is always a mind freak.
and not real.
so true...i know its a timing thing and i am being asked to get clear on what i want - theres a lot settling around to so being patient and trusting next move...! (pun intended! heehee)
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