I hope I made this photo big enough, its actually two Damselflies, couldn't believe I captured it. Took the photo as we were walking around Silver Lake.
Life is interesting, I have been adjusting to my husband being home everyday and am finding it hard to find time to myself. He had to go run an errand today, so I took advantage and did my Tai Chi and Opened my Mesa and did some meditation. It is always amazing when you do these things that keep being put on the back burner, I think we all talk about how when we finally do meditation or open our Mesas' how much its like coming home. It warms the heart. It also made me realize how much I am missing my quiet time. I did something with my Mesa that I haven't done or if I have I don't recall doing it. The energy seemed to be really intense, so I took my Pedulum and held it over my Mesa, my goodness did it ever get going. I thought man if you ever question how much energy is put into the Mesa let your Pendulum loose. I also felt that the energy has really been kicked up once again. The energy seemed to radiate out in waves very interesting to experience.
jac thank you for reminding me that i need to open my mesa and find time for me. ive had a week here to myself and ive been really productive and i need to be able to do that and find that time when im with my significant other!
Thats the trick isn't it...the blend of the two lives
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