Investing in fresh herb plants in the spring is also a small price compared to buying fresh in your grocery store, although it is NICE to have it available.
Outside in partial sun areas so they don't burn, or inside in a sunny window, north/south is often best, and you can have fresh herbs to cook with on a daily basis. I have a small pot of basil in a sunny kitchen window and I snip a few leaves every day.
Apartment dwellers with balconies or sunny windows can also have fresh herbs!
Here's what I plant every year-and some are perennial depending on your areas but not here in the mountains. Now that I am in the high mountains though, NONE of them are perennial. 1000 feet higher makes a huge growing difference.
BASIL-annual and very very sensitive to temperature changes. I lost 2 last year with sudden frosts. BUT cutting fresh basil is absolutely the best thing ever, and you can keep it in the kitchen in water.
GARLIC CHIVES-easy easy and plentiful. Snip a few here and there to add to things like eggs, and the purple and pink flower clusters are beautiful!
PARSLEY-easy to grow and beautiful. Will seed and regrow year after year in your garden. Lovely everywhere. Parsley isn't just decorative you know! Add it to your green juice for extra cleansing action.
SAGE - include several varieties. I like the purple sage. These are perennial and you will have an endless supply from these hardy plants.
MINT - lots of varieties available, and again you can plant several. Perennial and easy to grow. I like mint and if you like mojitos you will need PLENTY! Mint is hardy, and will take over if you plant it in the yard, but it's a great edible ground cover.
OREGANO - I like Italian - what can I say. There are usually several to plant. These are perennial and take a bit to establish but then are quite hardy.
CILANTRO - not so easy to find yet, but it should be available where you are
CURRY - yes it's a plant. It smells wonderful.
LAVENDER - oh so wonderful to pick and dry as well as use fresh, and the wonderful smell in your garden-wow.
I like to keep my herbs in pots so I can move them inside in the winter. Most will winter over inside without a problem, and I also keep them in pots on the deck so that I know the dog can't pee on them. Ew. But I have had them in the yard before and they do well for the most part.
Herbs love to be trimmed and remember, when you are cooking fresh it takes less to give your dish a kick!
These are my usual favorites and if you have some others, post them. Even Home Depot sells them now, so haapy herbing! Remember, herbs are for more than taste. They are mother earth's medicine cabinet.
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