Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Reason

I read that 50% of all the anitbiotics sold in the USA are given to farmers/ranchers for their livestock. Cows, pigs, chickens, so that they grow strong and healthy. Europe already won't take our meat. This is why.

That means that even if we don't medicate ourselves-we are still getting the antibiotics via our non-organic meats. 
ANOTHER REASON to buy organic!

I had a funny thought-what if the Judaic mandate to eat kosher  and not eat pork is really a message from the future (via the biblical writings) passed down to us so that 2000 years later we don't eat pork and we don't eat non-organic.

Kosher means blessed. Right? Bless our food. Blessing changes the frequency.

So, what if the future bacterial or viral bug that potentially wipes out the human race is a crossover from pigs? All virus's begin in an animal host and mutate to humans. Wow! If we are eating pork that has been given antibiotics, we might potentially be creating an internal system that will be unable to combat the future virus!

Ok-enough of the science fiction for this Sunday morning. Happy Valentine's day everyone.
Of course, if you are doing 'raw' then you are not eating meat...except fish perhaps? Remember to buy organic eggs, for the same reason.

Do we have to eat organic for everything? No. Grapes and Apples are the most heavily pesticided produce.
But anything you can peel, you can buy conventional-unless someone else has a reason ? Let us know your thoughts.


CatherineAnn said...

They did have a story on the news the other night about the pros and cons of putting antibiotics in the feed. The farmers in Denmark have left them out for 14 years and they say they don't have more sick animals and it doesn't cause all the problems that the Americans believe will happen. It was frustrating watching the Americans coming from a fear of loss of profits rather than concern for health.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I saw the same report from Katie Couric. I agree that it is probably the biggest source for the problem with autoimmune issues. You are exactly right CA, again our health as a nation is tied to the dollar. The only way they will get the message that we won't support them. Buy only organic meat.