It's also reputed to assist the body in recovering from physical stress.
It increases stamina and endurance, which is what Pam was noticing.
It's good for chronic fatigue.
Maca is rich in iodine-which we know is good for thyroid issues.
It's rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium-all good for bone density.
It has zinc and iron, and contains B1, B2, B12, and E
It also has glycosid steroids
It's an adaptogen
It stimulates the hypothalamus, and the pituitary
Unlike caffiiene, it's NOT a stimulant-but it creates a steady unhancement of physical and mental energy.
It is rich in sugars, proteins, starches and essential minerals
Found the following suggestions:
For hot flashes-take a teaspoon twice daily-wow!
and when symptoms balance, reduce to 1/2 tsp daily.
Men-1/2-1 tsp daily.
Perimenopausal-1/4 tsp daily
Maca is also recommended in Peru for bone density=and osteoporosis.
Maca affects the pancreas and is good for hypothyroidism.
In Peru-they swear it is great for SEX! Probably the 'stamina' don't you think?
I'll keep taking it and see what happens. Come to think of it, today I haven't had nearly as many temperature fluctuations as I usually do. I'm taking 1 tsp in the morning.
im on it....i used to take it every day for a while as per suggestion of my russian homeopathic ordained minister who i smoked cigs with in a basement by coney island while he did obscure and bizarre healings on me...(quite the experience) it was before maca was really here....i think he was smuggling it in (like the stem cells he had - shhh..)
anyway ive been resisting it which means i need to go there again....
thanks for all the posts about it- it finally just sunk in to this slow mind of mine...
getting some tomorrow....
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