Thursday, February 28, 2008

Seth Speaks on Beliefs

I started reading "Seth Speaks" when I was 17. I cut my teeth on it if you will. It's nice to see it coming back into vogue, although I know the books have always been in publication. Remember this was written more than 35 years ago.

If you have never read the Seth Materials, I can only encourage you to do so. You are ready. This is Jane Robert's voice as she is channeling Seth. This was back in the 1970s, and it was a time when no one was trance channeling. The material takes listening to more than once, reading more than once, watching more than once. Good stuff does. We have to allow it to sink in, change us.
It can be quite scientific and exact, but 'he' has addressed thing such as the eternal validity of the soul, non-sequential time, and of course, beliefs. Many books. Much information. And not the 'fluffy' you are loved stuff we get in such plethora today. Probably why I liked it then and still.

On the LIVINGJOYUS.COM website, in the Spirits Rising podcast there is an audio clip from Pat Rodegast who is another trance channel from those early days, and she is still alive because she 'oracles' rather than bringing the energy fully in to her physical body as Jane did. She channels an energy called EMMANUEL. Also interesting. She's well into her 80s, and living in Florida.


Pam said...

If these quotes are any indication of the books, I'd better buy and read. They really struck a chord in me.

Joy! said...

They are 'difficult' reading, not light. But with real depth.
I would say well worth it, but they are what I started with. still my favorite voice and I refer back to them often.
I got it wrong though-she channeled in the 1960s!!!

Joy! said...

I was recently gifted a cd of seth-if you want to borrow it pam?