Jac asked me what the nest means to me, finding it. I'm working on that.
I decided to put it back in the planter in the sun. Trust that they are safe, and where they are meant to be. Not try and protect them unduly. They already have become motherless in that the nest was removed from their mother, just as life is removing my son's from here.
So, my role isn't mother to the nest. I am God to the nest.
When I first looked in, I saw that there was soft downy stuff tucked in around the eggs as if they had been tucked into bed. The mother had done the best she could, and now she had to let them go, life had taken a new direction. The nest was taken from it's haven, and swept away by the elements, but it had come into my hands, and it was up to me to put it somewhere safe and love it for what it was; for its message to me, for the beauty and art of what it is, for the life held within, though probably not still alive after so long without sitting.
The nest showed me unhatched potential. Eggs on the brink of coming into life. A moment that exactly captures where my sons are now. Both are about to burst forth. I can read it many ways.
If I am in my pain body I might go down a dark path with it. Danger, taken away from what would have protected it, dead before stepping forth, alone, unhatched. Destined to never be. I couldn't keep them safe.
Whoa. That was enough! :)
Now, if I change that channel, I feel a whole new download of information that says to me "This is where they are. You've done your best. You protected, nurtured, and now you must trust that they are and will be delivered into loving hands that will honor and move them gently to the perfect place for them." It's a moment. Source is showing me that this is where they are, and that I must move them in my MIND towards seeing them as hatched, and not as fragile eggs. I am not mother to this nest and eggs, I have a different perspective. I am above, I am bigger. I have the power to move the whole nest somewhere safe.
Thank you wind, thank you winged ones, thank you Source! I get it! I've continued to see them as my little eggs, and that is done with. They aren't little eggs that we have to protect. Like those eggs, they don't require our protection, they are in God's hands. They aren't even baby birds we have to still feed.
I wasn't shown that. I was shown that they will be moved by the elements of life itself, and that I must move to a new position. I must trust God to keep them safe. WOW!
Thanks for the question Jac!
What a fantastic insight...
What a gift the wind brought...
that gave me chills to read.
makes me think about what ive been trying to protect -- what i havent trusted to be protected.
what are you trying to protect? When we believe we 'need' to protect, we are out of trust.
But I understand.
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