Ever since Jac went in for the hormone testing and found out she was chronically low in Vitamin D, it's been on my mind.
Vitamin D is really a hormone, not strictly a vitamin, and our best source is sunlight! But the hot topic of Vitamin D is that we seem to have a widespread deficiency!
What's so important about vitamin D? Vitamin D is what they call a 'precursor' hormone-meaning it is needed as a building block and used by most of our vital organs. The body uses Vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth, but a deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to OBESITY! Whoa! We've been wondering about the weight connection and what we've been missing-maybe this is it!
You can get Vitamin D from food-fatty fish like salmon, sardines, eggs YOLKS, organic milk, dairy, liver.
Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms are muscle pain, weak bones, low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, depression, mood swings, sleep irregularities, anxiety, irritability, and inability to lose weight. We've been talking about most of these feelings-could it be we are low in Vitamin D? Well, that's exactly what Jac found out when she went to the Doc for her tests.
Nutrients You Might Be Getting Low In
Started taking 1000mg/day about 2 weeks ago. Have been sleeping better
Vitamin D also helps in the obsorption of calcium.
The Practitioner that I went to had just come from a conference where Vitamin D had been discussed and she was amazed at all the things that it does for us.
I forgot to take my Hormones and Calcium on day and I tell you it layed me flat. Just one day.
isn't it funny how sensitive we are, and NOW how aware we are of those changes in our body? I think since we did the raw food experiment we've all become more in tune with our inner selves and our needs. It's such a good thing!
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