Sunday, August 16, 2009


When we started our journey into raw food land, we decided to do 'raw-ish'. We thought we'd aim at 100% and hit closer to 70% and figured that 70% was still better than what we were doing.

It worked for us, but I don't tend to be an extremist with anything. My motto is pretty tolerant of all views, and walks and usually I say 'try it for yourself' because I do firmly believe that no one thing will work for everyone. That includes raw. That includes vege, and vegan.

It's not true that eating raw or vegan will make you happier, nicer or more spiritual. If someone tells you that you 'have to' do anything special to connect to God, walk on. Eating nothing but raw food can make you feel good, and if you do it long enough without the right additional nutrient support, you can feel drained and not good. it's true. Sorry.

The very very bottom line is LISTEN TO YOURSELF, be your own TRUTH, and come into right relationship with YOU. If your body wants an egg, or a steak or a hunk of liver tonight, it well could be that it is craving the nutrients in those foods. Going with your body instead of villifying the body will do alot for your health in general!

We've been working on identifying our food beliefs, and frankly, thanks to the wonderful world of marketing, we have tons! Did you know that the average American woman is 5'5" tall, and weighs 152 lbs and wears a size 12? Yep. That's the American average. Do you know that the American average in the 1950s was...a size 12? When Lucille Ball was doing her show in black and white, those were the stats. Size 12.

The media has thrown us into a frenzied hype that we are all hopeless hippos but the truth is we are about the same. We have more fears of food than ever before. We have more processing of foods, engineering of foods, food research and interestingly more allergies than ever before.

Eat what you want. Bless it, which means bring your intention and attention to what you are about to eat. Slow down, sit down and make it a special time-not in the car, not on the run. Pay attention to the color, the smell, the taste, and whatever you eat, savor it.

Let whatever you eat really feed you! ALL of you!