Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is this really organic?

ABC news ran this rather interesting profile on Organic foods from China and Whole Foods and how they are NOT inspected the way one would think, and not to our standards even though they have the 'stamp of approval'. Buyer beware looms again.

The 365 label at Whole Foods-next time you go turn the packages over and in small print you'll find "product of china".

Thanks Kathy for sending this.


CatherineAnn said...

This is an eye opener!

I bought salmon not too long ago that looks like it was wild caught from the US but in small print in caught in China and packaged in the US. When you hear about their lack of standards in China in regard to their food, it does give me pause to buy food from China.

Joy! said...

I know me too. I've been more consistently looking at the TINY print. Not easy as our eyes are reluctant to focus that small. You think that's part of the plan!? LOL