Saturday, March 3, 2012


Nutrition for the skin should be of optimum importance to all of us, and easy to recognize that you need to shift something. 

Check your skin in the mirror: your skin is the part that shows up to the world, and no amount of makeup or cream will disguise your state of internal being. Stress shows in our skin. What we feel, and how we feel presents to the world, so look at yourself in the mirror and notice what your skin is telling you.

Fresh Food heals so if you want to improve the condition of your skin (and hair) add more COLOR to your diet. 

If your skin is saggy and lacks luster you just aren't eating enough color!

ORANGE: Eat sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and pumpkins. All contain beta carotene. Load your cart and your plate with color and eat it fresh! Oranges, red peppers and tomatoes are chock full of vitamin C. 

If you have dark circles under your eyes:

GREEN: Eat more green! Any and all good dark greens are great for the skin. Greens flush toxins from your body, and that's good for the skin. Your liver's condition shows in your eyes. Dark circles, droopy eyes, yellowed eyes are all signs of liver congestion. Flush those toxins with lots of green juice and raw green on your plate! More than just a salad here and there, live green.

BLUES AND PURPLES: Eat dark rich color! The darker the color the more antioxidants there are inside. Eat color! Blueberries, dark grapes, cherries, blackberries, eat them fresh by the handful add them to shakes but don't cook them! Eat fresh. Eat live.

If you skin is dry: it's asking for more oils in your diet. Put it IN rather than ON. You aren't eating enough fat. Get your omega 3s up and your skin will immediately show it by having fewer wrinkles and more shine! It will be more fluid and supple.

FATS: Think fish, and nuts and you'll have it covered. Walnuts are especially oily as is tuna, salmon and sardines. Avocados are a great source of good fat (and double points because it's green too!) You NEED good fats. The biggest rule to bust out of is that fat is bad for you! Your brain needs fat, and so does your skin. Not all fat is the same, so to keep it simple. If it's cooked, it's a no. If it's fresh, it's a yes! Olive oil, coconut oil are great for the skin too. 

Avocado facial: If you are making a mask just for yourself, only use half of a really soft avocado. Add a tsp of honey, and a tsp of greek yogurt and mix. Slather it all over your face (and hair too if you like) and then sit with your feet up and relax for 20-30 minutes. Rinse and feel how great your face feels!  

EGGS: I'm a big believer in eggs as the most perfect food. Buy organic, free range, brown and that should cover it. Eat the whole egg. Eggs are a great source of zinc which is great for the skin and the brain.

I know, eggs aren't vegan, and most raw food-ists don't condone them, so remember, I am not an extremist! I like things that are simple. I am way too busy to enforce too many rules. We have to live our lives, keep it simple, and that means excavating ourselves out from under the rubble of too many contradictory food beliefs. 

Egg white facial: Oh the best for tightening the skin! Separate one egg, and use the egg white only. Beat until frothy. Wipe it all over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth. Let it dry and it will tighten up and draw toxins out of the pores, then rinse off. If you apply tissue to the face and then add more egg white, you'll have a peel off mask. Cost: 25¢ Savings: $7.00 for a tube of over the counter mask all the way up to $125. for a salon facial! Can you beat that??? And no chemicals or preservatives!

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