I've been researching an interesting little vitamin-B6. The RDA is a whopping 2 mg a day, which is the standard set in 1968.
Think things might be different now???
Microwaves? Processed foods? Soil depletion? Electromagnetic fields? STRESS? Home computers? Cell phones?
B6 is deficient in most of the conditions involving a brain imbalance: things like ADHD, autism, downs, schizophrenia, bipolar, manic depressive. Without sufficient B6, we can't metabolize our foods-proteins, sugars, starches, carbs. B6 is used to make tryptophan, which is used to make melatonin, which is used to get us to sleep! It's an important little guy!!!
And another thing-some people have a genetic issue called pyroluria. If you are pyroluric you don't process zinc or B6 and it flushes out of your system so you are always chronically deficient...and many people with the above mentioned imbalances will test deficient in zinc, even if they take it.
I tested deficient-and still do. The taste test (liquid zinc sulphate) should taste quite nasty. Mine was neutral which means I was low. Interesting for me is that even supplementing up to 50mg (remember the RDA was 2mg) I still taste neutral. Odds are I AM pyroluric.
The best part is my brain feels calm, balanced, and I am happier. I am! I feel great, I have energy galore, and I'm just plain happy.
There is a mail order test if you want to know if you or someone you know has pyroluria. Here's the link:
phroluria testing
For more information, try these sites:
dr kaslow about pyroluria
Pyroluria is managed by restoring B6 and zinc; and if you are pyroluric, you are stress intolerant because you can't make serotonin-which is the feel good precursor. Other symptoms are poor short term memory, explosive anger at times, higher irritability, anxious, nervous, mood swings, poor mood control, and depression. Most pyrolurics have at least two of these, and in general they are stress intolerant. Symptoms increase with stress.
(which pretty much brings me back to my first point-our society is much more stressful than it was in 1968)
If you have a tendency to any of the above emotionals, this could be the smoking gun we've been looking for. Who would think a nutritional deficiency could be the culprit...oh wait...US!
And btw-remember it's genetic, so if you have it, chances are your kids or your parents-so pass the information on.
One more thing: for fun look up orthomolecular psychiatry...I did. They have known about these particular imbalances and how it affects the brain and emotional body-since the 1950s. The doctor that first came out with it...was disbarred and banned by the AMA. The next doctors that coined the phrase "orthomolecular psychiatry" and said that they felt nutrition could heal many of what were being termed 'psychiatric' conditions...they were also drummed out as quacks.
I don't know about you...but the way things are going...I'm even MORE inclined to look at who they are and have attacked...since the drugs don't seem to be what they thought. But that's me. Go research for yourself and see what you come up with!
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