Saturday, February 7, 2009

Be the Cause - Giving Back

Be The Cause is a non-profit dedicated to assisting people in spearheading causes. It made me think about what we can do to help. What about a service vacation? This year they are going to South Dakota to build housing for the needy on the Lakota reservation. They are joining with the Okiciyapi Tipi Habitat for Humanity. It's a good idea. The dates are April 4-15.

A friend of mine is going to go help build homes on an Indian Reservation in June through here church. She said "I've lived a comfortable life and I just want to give back."

SO many of us are getting that message now-but how to do it? I have friends that went on a mission to Africa over the Holidays to do dental work there. I've other friends that have moved to Peru to build schools.

What can we do to give back, to bring the light in through our concrete action? If you have a good idea, let's hear it. April doesn't work, but we can start to think about something we can do this summer.

"If because of your generosity and love a few humans find their lives,what do you think will happen?" - Rumi

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