Monday, April 19, 2010

Boost Testosterone Naturally

This is information that I thought some might be interested in. It was posted on the rawfood meetup group by Vanessa Johansson.

[rawfood-387] Boost Natural Testosterone ProductionMonday, April 19, 2010 4:12 PM
From: "Vanessa Johansson" Add sender to Contacts

. What are some plant foods that will support and increase my natural testosterone levels? Peace Love Joy~ Sandy

Protocol ...

1. Playing competitive sports has been shown to trigger testosterone production. In fact, women get a bigger boost than men prior to competition.

2. Making love boosts testosterone production in women.

3. Avoid Hops, Licorice, grapefruit, and flax as these are the highest estrogenic foods.

4. All pesticides herbicides, and plastics are estrogenic so throw out your plastic and stick to glass and organic.

5.Drink nettle root tea every day. You can buy it at Mountain Rose Herbs online and make your own brew wiht it. Nettle root inhibits the transformation of excess testosterone into estrogen.

6. Eat Pine Pollen extract twice a day. It is the highest natural testosterone containing food on the planet. I like Woodland Essence brand.

7. Add passionflower to your nettle root tea or take it as an extract. herb Pharm has a high quality one. Passionflower displaces estrogen out of receptor sites and makes room for testosterone.

8. Add ginseng root to your tea. Boil for at least one hour. very testosterone producing.

9. Eat Lions Mane mushroom extracts from Mushroom Sciences or from Host Defense.

10. Read my all time favorite Author.... Stephen Harrod Buhner. His book " The Natural Testosterone Plan: For Sexual Health and Energy" is a must read for anyone interested in longevity and health. testosterone is a longevity hormone and our society is massively estrogen dominant which leads to passivity, shorter life span, docility, and tons of female cancers, male pattern baldness, fat on the thighs and hips, and much more.

11. Anyone not married to a plant only diet would want to get onto Deer Antler. The best brand out there is Dragon Herbs. Colostrum from Surthrival would also be in order. Rememnber that plant foods are all estrogonic and loaded with phytoestrogens.

Anyone suffering from low libido will benefit greatly from all of these practices as well.

Best of luck to you as you follow the thread of your own Sovereign Authenticity.

To your health.


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