We were talking about magnetic energy, and sunspots came up the other day. DId you know that sunspots have been more active in the last 70 years that at any other time in the last 8,000 years? Ok, so what?
Sunspots are areas of intense magnetic energy, and they've been saying that low sunspot activity means cooler earth temperatures...but they aren't so sure now. When they had that mini ice age in Europe, there was no sunspot activity for about 50 years.
And did you know too, that there have been almost NO sunspot activity since Jan? Interesting! What does THAT mean? Getting ready for something big?
Sunspot activity ebbs and flows in cycles of 11 and 88 years...for those of us into the numbers...give or take a few. The last solar maximum was 2000. We may be going into a solar minimum...maybe.
Oct 11 and Oct 12, there were NO sunspots visible. None. That's unusual.
Sunspots are cooler areas on the surface of the sun, and if they blow they release huge amounts of energy into space which can even trip power grids here on earth.
Is there a correlation between increased sunspot activity and earthquakes, since the last 70 years have been really active?
Seems so. 9 if the 21 most severe earthquakes from 856-1999 were in the 20th century.
There was a 500% increase in volcanic activity between 1875 and 1993
230% increase in the sun's magnetic field since 1901
400% increase in natural disasters on earth between 1963 and 1993
What's next? Well Kathy is watching the earthquakes. Maybe we should watch sunspots too? Just for fun.
That could explain all this cold weather during a planet warming. The East coast is in record heat though. It's over a hundred and humidity. That's the worst.
California is hot too.
And Ginny has flooding!
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