Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cannabis olive oil...oh boy! Now that's SALAD!

Now I'm not sure if Grandma is nervous, or if she's stoned?! Excuse me. CRONE. You take a look and let me know what you think.
This looks like jungle juice to me! LOL award anyone? There has to be fumes from the cooking of that 'bud leaf'.

Of course Dr. Diane only recommends this oil for medicinal use folks. she laughs.

She loves this stuff. She loves the smell "I'd make perfume of this if I could"
She loves the color. "I'd love to paint my car this color."
She loves the oil. "Let's rub it on our skin". She rubs it on her face daily.

And she warns you not to breathe it in or you can have a psycadelic experience. It's a different high than smoking it she says, so use it sparingly. Remember it's a medicine.

1/2 cup of cannabis olive oil is equal to 1 oz of herb.

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