How ingenious of our government-44 million Americans are now considered obese-so the IRS is considering an income tax credit for slender people, while "the people ruining our health care economics (fat people) would pay the standard tax". Suggestion comes from Eric Topol, chief of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic. But your ass he's thin?
What is that going to do? It gives a tax break to the WRONG PEOPLE. Like tax breaks for the rich have made us all richer right?
So because the 'seatbelt campaign' worked, and the 'anti-smoking' campaign worked, they think they can legislate us into thin.
Why does this anger me I wonder? And why do I think it won't work?
They want to up the taxes on fatty foods, (not manufacturing it but on BUYING it)
but also slap a big tax on 'sedentary' living like movie tickets, video games and DVD rentals. Not joking folks-25 states are considering more than 140 bills aimed in that direction. Lose weight or they will make us.
On the other side of the sea...France is trying to make it illegal to promote extreme thinness. GOOD ON THEM!
What's going on folks? So they want to legislate us into thin by making it costly to do the things that the marketing mogels have hypnotized us into. First get them addicted, then up the cost and tax it.
Why does that sound familiar? Oh YEA! That's what they did with cigarettes. And alcohol.
And now if it worked before, let's do it for fat foods, sugars, video games, colas, candy bars, movies and DVDs...all things we have been heavily commericaled into. We've been marketed INTO them, so now let's penalize them. Stupid people! :) Yeah it worked before.
Maybe it will work. I mean, I do wear my seatbelt now. Course, mostly because my stupid car buzzer won't shut up until I DO click in. And I don't want to get a $50. ticket from a cop who has nothing else to do but watch out for illegal non-seatbelt wearers? But yes, the public IS teachable.
So they have ANNOYED me into compliance. How could this work for food I wonder? Hmmmm
Fat police? Cops on the look out for obese drivers and we could get slapped with a moving violation. Instead of speed guns to catch speeders, they could have scales in the trunk of their cars and they could arbitrarily pull cars over and if they have fat foods, wrappers, and are obviously under the influence of fat foods, pulled out of the car and weighed and if they aren't within the American Standards, fined. Or would this be considered profiling? Oh wait-isn't ALL of this profiling???
It could be illegal to eat and drive. (wow-there go all those fast food restaurants GEARED to eating while we drive to save that preceious time) They might do studies to start showing 'scientifically' how dangerous it is to eat and drive to convince us NOT TO.
And I suppose the police would HAVE to be thin, wouldn't they?
It could work. I mean, they are right. It did for seatbelts. It has for drunk driving and speeding. I won't say it couldn't have merit.
Of course, following the philosophy of car builders, fridges will HAVE TO HAVE a warning bell installed that never goes off unless the fridge is closed, and if the fridge is open too long a hefty male voice will say "STEP AWAY FROM THE FAT ZONE". Too tough?
Fridge manufacturers can get a tax break for installing the warning bells for our own best good. it's their duty. It's a health risk. And if you are caught disconnecting your warning bell, there could be a fine.
They want to put warning labels on fast food wrappers like they have on packs of cigarettes and CDs with foul language. That's really curbed appeal I will say.
So I'm not one to only complain and point fingers at stupid things. I want to come up with solutions. Here are my solutions:
1. heavily tax commercials that are FOR fatty foods, fast food chains, donuts, colas, and candybars. Or better yet- BAN THEM like they did cigarette commercials. Oh wow-no one thought of that? And while we are at it-BAN commericals for movies, DVDs, rentals and all those things that "promote sedentary."
2. give a tax break for creating and promoting commercials that focus on a healthy lifestyle, and allow FREE advertising for raw, organic and fresh.
3. Schools that bring in 'real edible' foods (as a little 7 and 11 year old I just interviewed said) will also get a special tax break and healthy living promotion fund bonus for their schools.
4. Tax breaks to anyone losing 25 lbs+ in a year as a 'we support you' tax break, and the incentives to lose weight go UP. Positive motivation may actually work better than negative in this case, but hey, just a thought. And if they lose more the second year (not the same 25...na a a...but more) they get DOUBLE the tax break. I can see it now-people not wanting to lose too much in a year, holding it over for the next year so they can get their tax break.)
5. How about weight recording clinics that are set up to legally document weight loss for tax benefits. Maybe right there along at your accountants. EVERYONE Knows our accountants are honest. ( I can see a whole black market thin set up blooming already) You document your yearly weight when you file your taxes, rubber stamped by your accountant. If your weight is down, you are golden! Cha ching! Not doctors, because LORD knows fat people are already overburdening doctors (See Topol's comment above). This could be like getting your car inspected for emissions. Save the enviornment - lose weight and make it easy on mother earth when you walk lightly. hah.
6. They can have THIN ME tax breaks and THIN ME vacation clubs an THIN ME special conferences.
7. If you have a garden in your yard and you plant 'real edible food' TAX BREAK.
8. And if you plant real food and donate it to homeless shelters BIG TAX BREAK
9. If you've got ideas-let me hear em! I think we should get a list together and send them to our 'government officials' that seem to be talking out their butts while sitting on their hands.
10. EVERY package of PROCESSED food could have a warning label on it-not just fatty foods and clearly labeled with 'this product could be dangerous for your health" not just dangerous for your spreading ass.
11. EVERY package of meat and chicken has to put the % of steroids and chemicals in their product.
12. We would pass REAL truth in advertising laws so that (yesterday's post) companies can't falsely claim 'weight control' on their label when it really has MORE fat in it.
13. Schools have real programs on nutrition for all students from 5 years up as part of their mandated curriculum, and

OH DEAR! What ever has happened to my 'light light light'. Check another blog. For today this one is choosing to 'enlighten' instead. So if you have good ideas - send them in. Let's write our government officials with em because right now-their ideas suck.
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