Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Great New Weight Loss Solution

Now, what I really want to know is how someone actually came up with this. WHO on God's green earth said "Hey! I bet if we injected the urine from pregnant women into us, it would break down fat like nothing else!"

What do you think? A bunch of bio-chemists were sitting around, drunk, and came up with this? Sort of like how they came up with Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles? A joke that took off?

I can't IMAGINE the accidental discovery of this, but yes, this seems to be the new 'secret' cure for our thighs. And our butts. Oh hell, all those problem fat storage areas. Go in and get injections got it...the urine of pregnant women. People swear they are losing weight big time. SPAS are franchising to inject people with...pee. Ok. Why not. People were willing to get botox injections in their faces.

Now how do you suppose they harvest this pee-pee? I mean, I haven't been pregnant for a long time. Do they buy your urine now? Is this what they are doing with all those urine samples? And is it really a good idea to get injected with PEE??? (I'm having a little trouble with this, as you can tell).

But here' the really nutty thing. You sit with this idea for awhile, and here's how desperate we are for a starts to percolate and after awhile you hear someone did it that you know, and starts to SOUND LIKE A GOOD IDEA! That's how it all works...advertising! Keys right in to our wants and desires for skinny thighs.

And you don't want to be left behind with your big ol' bee-hind when everyone else is getting those magic shots, do you? EVEN Kevin Trudeau, that health talk guru, has lost 60 pounds in 2 mns with this. Yep, he's selling pee pills. Ew. Is that really better than getting a shot? Gotta wonder...

What will we think of next??? Who wants to try this and let us know?

Seriously-HCG is the compound, found in the urine of pregnant women, and it was discovered over 50 years ago in England to be a weight loss cure...oh I am such a skeptic aren't I? If science says it's true, and the AMA is blocking it, then it MUST WORK.

Pace pace lead...

Are you sick and tired of weight loss 'solutions' that just don't work?

Do you have 10-20-30 or more pounds of stubborn fat that just won't go no matter what you do?

Are you aware of how all the really good cures are blocked by the money hungry conglomorates that want to control us?

At long last, discovered in the temples of ancient Egypt, the secret cure of the Pharohs...when the scrolls were deciphered, we now know what has been supressed by governments around the world, and has been gifted to humanity through channeled dreams and angelic visitations to the privileged and most holy...and for a small fee you TOO can get...

Injections of the miracle cure HCG-harvested from the urine of pregnant virgins (?) on the full moon.

I'm signing up and I will let you know. Me first me first! Pick me to get a shot in my big ol soon to be small again butt! :) I'm such a shmuck! But I'm gonna be a skinny shmuck!


Anonymous said...

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Jacqueline Brown, said...

Man thats alot of money down the drain...what a plus it would have been in my pregnant years....NOT.

Joy! said...

just think of the time we could have saved by freezing our pregnant pee to drink later when we needed to lose weight. Do you think that it freezes well? Maybe pee-pops? Oh the ideas that are cruising out of me now girls!

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I don't know after fighting the bulge for so long...I just might be tempted. I could be slim and trim by the time Terry's retirement party gets here....