do things just complete/shift/change once we've gotten the lesson? is it just that simple? its like DUH! it only stays as long as necessary to get it sometimes? i had been asking for so long how do you know when to leave or whats the exit strategy or when will this "x" crap end - but if we get our lessons more quickly or before things go crazy - if we can catch something understand something in an early stage rather than wait for a crisis arent we better off? i mean yes of course the answer would be yes - it seems so frustrating to have to suffer through the crisis the pain because we dont listen to our gut to that voice to the warnings to the messages around us...there are so many things i have been just not listening to and putting off - im getting so much better at catching it early now and not waiting though but sometimes i get so incredibly frustrated like SHIT I SWEAR I SHOULDVE KNOWN BETTER! I SHOULD KNOW THIS BY THIS LATE STAGE IN THE GAME WEVE DONE THIS WEVE DONE THIS WEVE DONE THIS! each time i go into something i know this consciously and im like ok whats the issue? please please show me so i can get it and move on...
i was thinking of my self-preservation button - before it was so low that it was only pushed in crisis mode - meaning i would wait to get that depleted before saying STOP! now at the first hint of something off my body has this new alert/observation/noticing system that goes ok whats going on here where is this going. even if i still have to go through it to really fully get it it seems like its coming much faster and hopefully faster even still each time this happens and each time i catch something trust that voice get the lesson earlier.
was thinking about a necklace that joy had and showed me she said that it represents an issue and when you get it, when its complete it breaks...what was that movie with the imaginary friend that stayed with the little girl - drop dead fred? he only stayed as long as she needed him not a minute longer....
Were done when we are done...not a second more or less....
Many realizations....crazy we can't see the simplicity when we are deep in our BS mode...
Its great when we finally come out on the otherside.
I've found that the harder the impact, the longer I remember the lesson.
that's the unfortunate part though isn't it. We pay attention when it hits us between the eyes; and yes, generations remember it. It codes into the DNA.
I just wrote to someone else we have to learn to listen to the whispers ( that voice in the wind) so we know when it's time to go to high ground before the flood hits us (or the 2x4 topside the head).
The Indians would head for high ground, listening to the wind, the animals... the whispers. They would simply move out of the way of the coming storm.
Us? We think we can ride it out. or that it will miss us. or that we are stronger than the forces gathering. Or that it isn't really coming, or that we can pretend nothing is happening. Or any number of things.
I wondered if the grief and powerlessness I was feeling this Christmas was the sensing of this something coming at me from the future?
Cleave Baxter did the experiments with plants-I interviewed him. He noticed that the plants would begin to react BEFORE he did anything. They sensed the 'something' coming towards them. The intent before the action...
something to think about because as trackers, we feel that something coming. If we sniff the wind-can we avert the storm that is gathering around us from hitting us between the eyes?
The natives learned to flow WITH the energies-we pit ourselves against the elements. And what are the elements anyway? Energy.
thats really interesting and its true we know when we feel a storm brewing..i most always know... i dont know what it is or the extent of it i just feel something coming...but then what? is it just sitting in that awareness? that of the first past life regressions i had was this feeling, knowing what was going to happen but being helpless to change does knowing help at all? does it just make us more conscious of inevitable? or can we shift it?
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