Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I was  curious about cumin since it isn't a spice I'm used to using. I DID have it in my cupboard though, in two forms; ground and whole seeds. I also have 3 different curry powders.

 The ancient Egyptians used cumin as did the Greeks, Lebanese and Romans. It's mentioned in the Bible, both old and new testaments and you could use it to pay your taxes!

*Cumin contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, sodium, riboflavin, niacin, C and A.
*Cumin is good for: digestive issues.
*Here's a recipe for insomnia: mix a tsp of cumin powder with mashed banana and take at bedtime.
*Take cumin and ginger for sore throats.
*Cumin improves the memory so it must be good for the brain.

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