Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'm still Intrigued by the Bahá'í Faith

This is a documentary on the Bahá'í Faith. I'm still intrigued. We do actually have a center in SLC!
Baha=light and "i" means follower. "The follower of the light." Nice.

You know, ultimately, what is the truth? And isn't it all really a personal quest, and so a personal answer?
Revelations that come through in dreams-knowledge of all that is-being a message from one to others-
progressive revelation...wouldn't we all, do so, if we really believe?

All religions are tied together like chapters in a book,
that reinforce the previous prophets and brings new social teachings for our time. That religion is an evolving concept.

Well, that makes perfect sense to me. It continues! It grows-doesn't everything? Of course. So why shouldn't religion?
Why shouldn't we update our way of connecting, our way of believing, our concept of God? Mother>>Father>>God>>Creator>>All That Is>>
What if that really is a course of expansion in our opening to the Universal power?

All powerful, all loving, all knowing, all seeing, all hearing, the prayer hearing God, many titles...
you who are known by a thousand names and you who are the nameless ONE.
All the same God.

Truth is one point. And from that truth...everything evolves. Why do we try so hard to keep things the 'same'?
Everything changes, moves, evolves.

A world government. A world united. What a concept. A joining of hands. Beyond any one religion and into a joining of them all.
I've talked about how we are in a time of a great re-weaving...many threads with unique colors creating a new pattern....something that hasn't been seen before.

How do we reach for that something that is bigger than we are unless we join? Spiritual growth is an individual responsibility.
And they have no clergy! 9 member bodies in areas. An international body that serves for 5 years.

Ultimately-I like the idea of a spiritual council that embraces all faiths and emphasizes personal development...Something new to ruminate on! I wonder if it's true? Nice ideas though. Anyone know more?


Jacqueline Brown, said...

They do have a council of several different faiths that have come together, have no idea what they are doing.
I believe they used to have a chapter here, not sure anymore. Was looking at there stuff back in the 70's.

Joy! said...

So said CA.
Dale is (coindicentally) friends with a leader for the SLC chapter. Anyone want to meet for more information when I get back?