Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Lauren said it best: "I keep hearing 'you can have it easy or you can have it hard'"
Me too. I have for awhile now, and when I relax I realize that things are lined up in much better order than I can imagine.

Take this trip for instance:
At the last minute all the plans changed: and yet, the pieces were lined up BETTER than I could have hoped for. I booked the hotel back in Feb-and the dates matched with our flying-NOT with driving. DId I know that already?
The flights end up matching the arrival and departure of other family coming in-much better flow than driving.

I find myself constantly saying "Hmmm. Just look at that!"

I turn down a 'wrong' street, I get where I am going faster.
I miss an exit and take another way, and again, I happen to miss an accident and delay.
I double book, and then someone cancels.

Are we in flow?
What would it take for you to be in flow?
Where might we be hanging on to outmoded 'control' issues and in need of a swift boot into trust and surrender.

What does 'being in control' really mean? Does it mean that we think we can do a better job than 'someone' else?
Practice letting go-for one day.
Let go of details. Take off your watch. Breathe. And flow.
Do you believe that the world will fall apart? How old are you when you believe that?

1 comment:

Jacqueline Brown, said...

Did you look at the time when you wrote this....
You are ever so right...
So what is it I can't let go of....hmmmm