Thursday, December 20, 2007


I've been craving basil lately. Fresh. Buying big containers of it. Putting it in my green juice, and cooking everything with it. It smells divine when you chop it. So I was curious what it might be about BASIL...

Basil contains FOLIC ACID-which is a B vitamin. Also it's a good source of potassium, and iron and calcium. Good for the respiratory system. It aids in digestion too as it helps the body produce saliva. Basil is also a good source of Vitamin A.

I was just updating the list on nutrients, and was noticing that I was probably low in Vit A as my eyes have been dry and I don't seem to be seeing as well, especially at night, and low in potassium and magnesium as my 'restless or jumpy' legs had started up again.

1 comment:

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I had that same craving just before we went to California. I was just eating raw....I would some in my juice as well, put them into my salads any place that I though Basil would be taste....