The Celts walked it, heck, everyone seems to have or are walking the Camino de Santiago ;it's a pretty interesting and informative site.
According to the information, you don't have to be a hard-core walker as the trails are well maintained, with yellow arrows marking the way. Here are some photos of the lay of the land and what we could expect if we should decide to join Kathy on her high adventure. You know, this sounds like just the sort of thing we should plan.
I can't go end of May/June as Jon is graduating high school and I want to be here for all the goings on. Important. I was taking IA up in Idaho, when Neno was graduating, and I missed too much driving back and forth.
Another good site is Some thoughts on Your Camino which talks about carrying a good support backpack and about 18 pounds of stuff. The author (Mike) went in Spring-and loved it. Flowers and green. Sounds lovely. If you look further into the site, he's no young chick, so that heartens me that we can do it! :)
Those that have done it say you have to WALK to really experience the magic. I think you've made the right decision.
Walking the Camino sounds like something I would love to do. I have been talking about it ever since I read Shirley Maclaine's book. Will it be this year? Time will tell. I would love to plan for it but it doesn't seem very realistic financially. Miracles to do happen......
I would like to make the journey as well, I even asked Terry if he would like to go on a journey such as that...I looked at the pictures at the website and felt a real kinship with the different places it showed....So Universe there ya have it.....
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