Tuesday, May 6, 2008

On the Raw Again

I proposed to Jac that we do raw while in Colorado last week.
Which we did.
It's been a bit more than a week now-10 days or something. I feel so much better partaking of the live food that it's inexplicable, and even though I indulged in a cookie yesterday, I didn't crash.

While I took the juicer, we never made any. Why is that? I will say I did it last time too, no juice until the second month.
So, if anyone else would like to get going again, join us!

I was a bit bummed that I hadn't lost any weight, and then this morning I measured my waist and it was down an inch and a half. That means something to me. And last night I did exercise-enough that I was sore this morning. Tony said " What are you doing?" because I was standing behind the chair and doing bends and stuff. I thought of all the times I have believed I had to wait until he was gone, or I was alone, and last night I just did it.

I can't speak for Jac, but I am sticking to the raw. I did have some tofu one day, but mostly it's raw and back to the fermenting, chopping, soaking, and loving it.

I've had several revelations too along the way, one being that I thought I always waited to do what I want...trying to make others happy first.

Since I've been accused of only doing what I want to do, I thought this so odd that in my version I'm NOT doing what I want! LOL All the things I've NOT done so as not to appear too happy...LOL

So, might as well DO IT since no one is happy ANYWAY! This is hilarious, and beyond imagination. DO you understand the backwards logic? It's crazy making, as well as remorse and resentment making!

Intuitive eating...isn't that what we should all be doing Lauren? Isn't that what it's all about? Yes!

Today was beautiful and it was back into the garden for me-which is almost out from under the snow. Yes, we still have a few piles of frozen white stuff here and there, but otherwise, I have green!


CatherineAnn said...

Interesting how we put others needs before ours sometimes without even realizing it.

I would love to get more raw again. I was having blood sugar problems so I had to go to more protein. I think if you are all raw, not eating the cooked food and carbs, I can get away with a lot less protein. But mixing the raw and cooked food is tricky for me. I love my morning smoothie and I can't do it anymore. Now I have no idea what to eat for breakfast other than green juice but that gets old. Any ideas?

Joy! said...

meuslix. raw oats and yogurt mixed with fruit.
Put it in the fridge overnight-yum

Joy! said...

You know what gob stops me completely is when I do RAW and RAW-ISH I feel SOOOOOOO much better. SO what the f- stops me???

IS it the candida raising it's puny head and railing at me like a tantruming child? IS it stonger than me?