Well, almost raw, but already feeling clearer! I packed away the treats today, cleared the counters, have had huge green juice all day, and made myself a boiled egg this afternoon. I feel lighter (energetically) and certainly feel better. I'm going to make a raw-ish dinner now, and wanted to thank you all for the kick in the be-hind to get myself going again! Nothing like the thought of being left behind..."wait for me!" lol
On another note: it has snowed ALL DAY here! I've never seen it like this, but then, I've also never had so many windows onto the snow either. I swear, Roxi can walk over the fence now the snow is so high in the backyard! She discovered today that she can walk out onto it-until now she's been gingerly skirting it as best she could. Oh oh! Now we are in trouble!
This reminds me of the year Nik and I lived in Durango. We had a one room log cabin and it snowed everyday or every other day for weeks. We ended up with a path to the front door with snow over our heads. I wish I had taken a picture. In those days, we didn't have digital photography and I didn't buy any film so, no pictures. The year was 1992-1993 winter.
I remember the year! Tony and I were looking through old albums and saw years when we were digging a path ourselves!
It's that sort of year. Tony dug the trampoline out. Wow is all I can say! The snow was level with the sides, and now it's piled round...
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