Friday, January 18, 2008

GREAT OLD BROADS for wilderness

Starting of the new year with ideas of where and how to make a commitment and make a difference: take a look at these places that are doing just that. One of the shamanic students has brought them to my attention, and he volunteers at several of them. Thought you might find it interesting. I also have added several other places to volunteer on the list to the right...scan down to find it.

GREAT OLD BROADS FOR WILDERNESS support projects that are pro mother earth! Take a look at their website.

THE SHARING PLACE is another great non-profit that is for families and children to process through grief. They have a training program that costs $100. and then you volunteer 6 hours a month for 10 months as a commitment, and work with group support. Looks like an amazing place!

BEAR RIVER WATERSHED COUNCIL is another you might want to take a look at.

UTAH FEDERATION FOR YOUTH doing great projects with kids.

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