Ive been processing a huge piece about offerings, giving, and giving freely. Intellectually i get that before i really had the belief that people zapped me took from me stole my power my magic...its amazing how that alone created such dis-ease in my body. It all finally processed and came up over these past few days of how each person each thing each moment feeds me nourishes me inspires me fills me...just that perspective change has changed my life. I learn in each moment - even if someones being a jerk theres a lesson, and I see how clearly its a choice to see things in a certain light. Also each moment I have a choice to slow down reflect accept the offering and then go in an give more surrendering more into it...and wow instantly the pain the stress the anxiety the story - it all fades.
Each moment I have the choice to see something as an offering. ITs life changing to understand things like this---even if it seems shitty its still an offering and always what you choose to make of it. Im not a victim anymore - its totally cleared wow. Even if i go victim i know its just me being in my story and letting myself stew in it...but i dont let myself hang there for too long these days...Or I do just long enough to get the lesson and get on...Feels so empowering to know that even in down cycles theres a lesson and a gift and its not an omen or hell or the end of the world...haha...its sounds so funny but man i really thought that before...hahaha. No wonder I was so sick and hated humans. haha... This clearly feels much better. haha
The reflections in the mirror are always there, good or no so good. It is great when we see the lessons. The body is a huge teacher.
Your conversation with ME about supporting each other totally prompted me in a new direction, so I thank you!
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