We have had so much traffic at the feeders the last few days. It's like bird central in my front yard. I haven't changed the seed, and I haven't added any more feeders, but it's like someone sent out the news and everyone is feasting! It's quite beautiful. Busy, but beautiful. I've enjoyed watching them. It's funny how we forget those sweet magical moments that cost us nothing but slowing ourselves down a bit. I love birds!
They are on the ground, in the air, on the branches, and adorning the feeders. I opened the front door and there were 9 black birds sitting on the lawn. The finches have been plentiful! So many and so different! Jac, you're the bird watcher. I think I'm going to get a book of Utah birds! I almost bought one the last time I was in Barnes and Noble-and then I put it back.
And do they ever cause a racket! A good racket, but quite a noise when they all get going.
I know with the hummingbirds they are getting ready for migration. Some finches winter here some don't. The hummingbirds are going crazy in my yard, I see about 8 a day. My sister-inlaw said multiply that by 5 and that is how many hummingbirds are in your area. So the birds are on a feeding frenzy. I had a bird that was just chattering for the longest time this morning. I love it as well...
There have got to be about 40 feeding now. All sorts. Saw a crested finch. He's gorgeous! he's got a black mohawk that is so cute! Little Mr. Personality for Bo's noggin.
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