Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Rebecca asked "isn't there cyanide in apple seeds, and isn't that bad for us?", and it made me realize that I wanted more clarity on the whole cyanide-appleseed issue, which makes me go in and surf for more information on the net, and check inside myself for what I believe.

Thetahealing and shamanic studies is alot like surfing GOOGLE. The answers you get depend on the question you ask, and we know from data searches that changing one word may get you a whole new set of information! One of the things I realize is that when I have enough information to ask the question, that's when the information is available to me too. Before I can think of the question, the information may be there, but I can't access it. It doesn't make sense YET.

Our experiment is about myth-busting.
It's about identifying our limiting beliefs concerning food, health and our bodies, so that over the coming weeks, we start to notice what comes up in our thoughts, emotions and feelings. These are the emotions and fears that the media and world at large has coded into us, whether through movies, health articles, well meaning friends and family or the collective. We are naturally sponges. What exactly is it we have soaked up?

Come on folks! We are being programmed to be fat, and sick. Oh wow, maybe that sounds too radical and controversial. Ok. Let me tone that down. We may be accidentally being programmed to be fat and sick. Oh wait. That't still sounding judgmental.

But we know that TV and media in general is a mass trance mechanism, and we know that from the marketing industry. Why would companies pay multi-millions to get their name in front of the public, to get them to buy their product, if the media DID NOT influence decision making?

Based on that, why would pharmaceutical companies spend big bucks to market an anti-nausea chemotherapy med in a main-stream women's magazine, double spread, bald thin model and all, if they didn't think it would INCREASE their sales? That scares the shit out of me! And no one else even seems to notice it.

What if we are being lead into mainsteaming cancer? Just suppose? Increasing the business bottom line means MORE PEOPLE are sick. If we can be programmed to be sick because it makes more business sense and profit sense, to me it means that OF COURSE we can be programmed to be healthy too! What do you choose? Simple. But that would be quackery. And we wouldn't want to do that would we?

Why do we believe in what "the experts" say, MORE THAN our own body wisdom? Because we have disconnected from ourselves. We have stopped trusting ourselves, so let's say this is an experiment in trust. Wow. That's putting a different spin on it for me!

What if we begin to ask different questions? What if we begin to simply address the things we automatically believe about food and what is supposed to be good for us, and what is supposed to be bad for us? Then, look at it, and notice how your body feels.

I'm not saying change what you believe. I AM saying QUESTION what you believe and who you trust. And don't trust me either! Don't give away your power. You've heard me say that more than once in class, I know. It isn't the meteorite or the feather or the crystal that has "power". Remember. The real magic feather is YOU! Trust yourself! Research, take it into your OWN body, and then, make a rational adult choice for yourself. What do you CHOOSE to believe. That's what waking up is about. From a mythological standpoint I find it fascinating that it was an APPLE that Eve bites to begin the journey of awakening and conscious responsiblity. Don't you?

So soap box aside and back to the issue that started this-appleseeds and cyanide.
Dr. Ernest Krebs, back in 1950, was a biochemist that isolated a compound he called "laetrile" or B17. In 1974 Dr. Griffin took it up with his book and video, and says that cancer is simply a deficiency disease like scurvy and that modern diets have stripped us of the chemicals we need to naturally combat cancer. Um, both these men were less than popular with their peers. Take a look what happened to them.
Dr Sugiura was fired for refusing to falsify his research results with Sloane Kettering Cancer Institute.
And what are nitrilosides anyway? Vitamin B17. The Hunzas have never had a case of cancer. Take a look at what their most prized food is!

So, vitamin B17 is illegal. It is considered quackery. It is the controversial therapy people go out of the country to obtain. On the internet you can find all kinds of information though. Here's a site that will tell you specifically how much B17 one needs to take or eat a day. 3 apples a day, seeds and all. Done. Keep it simple. This particular site can be overwhelming. Let's make a pact to keep it simple. Shamanic traditions are simple. The HUNZA-simple. The Qero-simple.

So, as shamanic students we walk into our fears. Look where the fear is and what have we been encoded to fear? Remember THE VILLAGE? If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch it because it is all about the deliberate installation of fear to control a community. With the best of intentions of course.

Rebecca, Jac, CA, and the rest of you, you have to research and decide for yourself. I'm going to simply start and continue to eat the seeds of the fruits that I consume instead of throwing them away because I have gone in and thought about it now. The animals do it. We know that vital life force energy is in the seeds. If a get quiet and ask my own body wisdom, I get eat the seeds. I don't plan to order truckloads of apricot pits and grind them up and add them to everything I eat.

I am going to eat the seeds of all the fruits that I eat during the course of my raw food diet days. If you want to know how the single molecule of cyanide actually activates and kills cancer cells ONLY, and activates ONLY when there are cancer cells present, check out this article and there are more articles out there. Then make a decision for yourself. And thank you for making me think more about this and go back in for more information. It's a GOOD THING to ask questions! We need them. We like them! And post what YOU find here too!

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