Sunday, December 24, 2006


B17 is suggested to prevent cancer if we start ingesting it. Guess what! It won't be hard at all to get more B17 in us with a RAW diet!

Laetrile is a natural ingredient available in 80% orf our grown foods. The highest concentration of laetrile, or B17 is in apricot pits, which is what that little movie I posted earlier is all about. Sidebar: A world without cancer.

We are talking about increasing our cancer immunities, which means prevention. So why is preventative measures considered so controversial anyway? Why is so much advertising money going into "early detection" rather than into "cancer prevention"?

As far as natural foods and going raw is concerned, the idea is to eat the seeds as well as the fruit. SIMPLE. I did that this morning with my apple and to my great surprise it was yummy!

Why have I been cutting the core out and throwing it away all these years? I did it because my mother did it, and she did it because her mother did it. No one ever questioned, so think of all that nutritional value gone. And we pay extra money to have the seeds and pits EXTRACTED for us! The price of convenience could be our health. Oh wait. We already know that one!

Foods that contain B17: Apple seeds, alfalfa sprouts, apricot kernels, bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almond, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, loganberries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, pecans, plum kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, buckwheat, garbanzo), strawberries, walnuts, watercress, yams. Look at all that will you???

Going RAW fills the B17 quota for sure! How much? Well, Dr. Krebs said about the equivalent of 7 apricot kernals a day. I'm still not sure how much that is, but when I find out I will let you know, but if we were to eat 7 apricots a day-wa hoo! That's a lot of fruit.

Yesterday I was chuckling as it occurred to me I felt like a Bedouin. I was packing a container with dried fruit, fresh fruit, and nuts for the day of Christmas shopping downtown. But you know what? There has never been a single reported case of cancer in the Hunza and Abkhasian tribes until they came into our diet.

And guess what causes a deficiency in B17? Refined white sugars! Did you know that commercial white bread was lethal to rats in an experiment I found sited? Wow. That made me think.


Rebecca said...

Fascinating research Joy!, thank you for posting that.

I feel compelled to comment though, ummm, I think unless you are chewing the apple seeds, and therefore cracking open their hulls, they won't do much good. They'll pass right through you. I know that flax seeds need to be cracked before you eat them because they will pass through you without your body gaining any benefit from them, so I would assume the same is true for apple seeds. Also, isn't there something in apple seeds, watermelon seeds, that is poisonous? I don't know that, just what I'd heard all my life.

I'm excited to see so many good foods on the list! I love sprouts, blackberries, boysenberries, cashews, cranberries, pecans, strawberries and walnuts! It really isn't going to be hard to get enough B17 on a raw food diet!

Think about how many manufactured products have sugar and or flour in them. And then think about the whole Gain Weight Industry, how Sugar/Flour Industry is key to that as well. Then think about the whole Disease Industry, which is dependent on the Gain Weight Industry, which is dependent on Sugar/Flour Industry. Wow! Holy Shit! Hmmm... well, it's something to think about anyway. Almost makes a person think it's a conspiracy... :)

Joy! said...

Yes, and if you have a sweet tooth, the dates and dried fruit and so sweet. AND the longer you do this, the sweeter they taste because your taste buds are no longer numbed out by the fats and cooking oils. It's amazing!

My brother send me flowers for Christmas, and they sit on the table. I walked by this morning and thought WOW! The scent was almost overwhelming to me! Beautiful! When I commented to my sons, they both couldn't smell anything, and one even stuck his nose right up on top of the flower and couldn't tell much. What a difference.

It's true, all our senses open!

As to the seeds, it's cyanide. Yes. But that's why they have the rule to eat the fruit with the seeds. As to crunching them-you do. And if you juice them, they go through that processor. There seems to be mixed opinions on it. Listen to the CANCER film. It's fascinating. But I read today in my new cookbook to make sure NOT to eat the seeds.

These are the "rules" I think we should test and break and then rewrite for ourselves! JUST this sort of thing.

Rebecca said...

Do you think your new cookbook says not to eat the seeds because the author has never investigated the myth of never eat the seeds? The author has just copied an old rule into a new book? That's the way we've always done it, so don't eat the seeds.

But then one wonders why they bothered with the warning at all. Maybe they have researched it and decided to warn those folks experiementing with seed eating because they knew better?


Joy! said...

Yep, that's exactly what I think.
AND I think that she may also be having to be "politically correct" because she has one of the top NY raw cuisine restaurants and it's very popular right now. And she probably wants to stay that way.
It isn't popular to be controversial. Not smart business either. I can imagine her editor saying "let's stay out of the politics and just make a good cookbook." So we read between the lines.

And what you said about cancer therapies, I agree. I suppose I have had to think about that one too many times myself. They've "attempted" to diagnose me with cancer 3 times so far. Each time I have sidestepped it. So, in that vein, may that continue!

The nut pate-yum! And being in the kitchen has been a delight! It's so satisfying! The colors and textures. I haven't wanted to cook for ages, and I have really been anti kitchen for awhile! So! It's fun again! Isn't that just cool? I can't wait to hear how Jac's all vege Christmas went...