Here is an hour long video that was filmed of a lecture given at the Southern California Living Foods Mother's Market.
The presenter used to weigh 150 pounds more than she does in the video! You each may want to listen to this as you go through your computer time, as she has a lot of interesting information in it.
Merry Merry Ho ho ho!
Tamara has been a raw foodist for awhile and sent this along as information for all of us. I'm copying it here to post it: Thanks Tamara~
"I'd be happy to support you guys in any way I can in doing this cleanse. As I said to Joy, I've been pretty much 100% raw for about 2 years now, and have done a massive amount of research into cleansing, emotions and our "masks" related to food, and nutrition.
For me, going raw was a natural extension of becoming more loving towards myself in all areas of my life, and shedding all my beliefs systems - as you said Joy, waking up from the collective trance. I studied with don Miguel Ruiz for many years, and now teach...and it just seems organic to make the switch, although I think I'm the only one who did.
How to make the switch successfully depends on the condition of your body: what is the degree of acidity you are starting with? what is the extent of the overgrowth of candida (if any)? do you have any other medical conditions?
The healthier you are, the faster you can make the switch, and the less side effects you will have.
To test the acidity of your body, buy "pee-on" PH testing from a drugstore. It should be around 7.
To test candida, spit in a glass of water before putting anything in your mouth in the morning. If the saliva starts stringing down...too much candida (see www.syclovir.com and "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" by Dc. Cousens for more info)
If your health is not optimum, I'd recommend going in stages, and doing a bowel cleanse at the same time. This will encapsulate the toxins being liberated and eliminate the cravings. It basically consists of psyllium husks, herbs, and bentonite clay, to take away from meals (www.herbdoc.com for the bowel cleanse in convenient capsules)
1st stage: make a green smoothie in the morning, with leafy greens, lemon juice, water, fruits if candida is ok, or as a savory cold soup otherwise. (for recipes "green for life" from www.rawfamily.com) Greens are the most nutritious, packed with protein and nutrients, lots of fiber to clean your intestines & reestablish the flora - and you need all of that, especially when making the switch.
Supplements to put in the smothie: some people say they are not necessary, others swear by them, so it's up to you:
- Add flax seeds or hemp or oil only if there are no fruits.
- MSM, green superfood, frequensea phytoplankton (awesome to alkalize & eliminate carbs cravings http://www.myforevergreen.org/tamaramessenger), goji berries, L-glutamine, silica
If you have a vitamix blender or another super high speed blender, it will allow you to make warm soups as well, and will eliminate the lumpiness otherwise found in the green smoothies.
2nd stage: replace one meal by a big green grazing meal, with any greens (kale, chard, spinach, dandelions, watercress, parsley etc...) and chopped vegetables. This will be about 2 or 3 times the size of a regular salad. You might want to eat it in stages.
Take digestive enzymes with your cooked meals, and a good probiotic.
Mistake to avoid: eating too many oily foods, such as avocado, nuts and seeds. It is ok to do so in the beginning, as a transition technique, but not in the long run.
The most important thing to remember is eating raw IS NOT ABOUT THE FOOD. It is not about doing it 100%, or perfectly. It is easy to become obsessed. It is about being loving and accepting of oneself, and having overall well-being. Emotions will surface as your body cleanse, so be gentle with yourselves, connect to Source to clear them, and remember that I am available to you always."
Thanks so much Tamara. Lots of good tips and advice for us beginners.
How cool! Thank you Joy and Tamara for that information. I really love The Four Agreements and other Don Ruiz books, so that's really impressive to me that Tamara studied with him. I just watched the Lifestyle Video and found it very helpful and motivating too. I have developed a small acne break out on my face, but that just tells me that the very minor changes I've been making are having an effect.
I really appreciate the advice on doing this in stages according to how toxin filled one's body is. And I also appreciate Tamara saying that it isn't about being fanatical or obsessive, it's about loving oneself and being gentle. Fantastic advice. THANK YOU so much for your support Tamara!
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