My goal in proposing this to our group is to see if we can wake ourselves up from the habitual trance we have fallen into concerning our diet, food, bodies and health. Just how strong is the marketing hold on our conscousness?
We are proposing a lifestyle change that seems like a radical, crazy thing!
By the way, vegetarians used to occupy the "fringe radical" identity, and now they are mainstreamed, and healthy. They haven't keeled over from lack of protein. Wow. Beliefs are crashing! Remember it's only true until it's not true. So, as Shamans and Thetahealers, we have the opportunity to use all of our skills to identify and change our beliefs, and to really get to the bottom of what we have accepted as lies.
As Catherine Ann asked in class, "Why does BELIEVE have LIE right in the middle?" Why indeed? Because we have to identify the lie we have accepted. And there is a plethora of lies around food! People are so confused now about what to eat and what not to eat! And that seems insane! What do you MEAN that as a nation we don't know what to EAT!??? It's mass hypnosis, and I for one want to wake up out of it, because I know I have been caught. I have been hype-notized into a food cocoon of untruths to the point of confusion myself.
What I did notice is that alot of raw foodists began because of a critical health issue that forced them to make a change.
In my profession I see that alot. I see people that are faced with having to make a major lifestyle change-and some can and some can't.
I don't want to be brought down to my knees before I choose to wake up. I want to walk into this with my health, and come out healthier! I hate that as a nation we are so tranced out that we believe we are powerless in the face of a donut! Or a hamburger and fries! It is marketing people! It is a media trance, and the media feeds the economic vehicle called the "weight gain industry" which tells us we are getting fatter. Fatter is good for the economy, and bad for our health, and bad for our health is good for the economy too. Tricky tricky!
Getting sick, being sick, especially on meds "for the rest of your life" like with Diabetes, is good for the economy!
A little sick is even good for business, because if you get a cold these days the plethora of over the counter meds can rack up can a pretty penny. You know what a cold is? It's your body's natural way of trying to get healthy again. Leave it alone. Pay attention and slow down, go to bed, drink fluids. You are overloaded.
But! the myth is that it is so expensive to eat right, and to stay healthy. Organic food is expensive. And difficult to find.
Um no. Costco and Sams are bringing in Organics. Interesting to watch marketing trends because they follow buying trends.
Myth-vitamins are expensive. Ah! But! DO we need to take vitamins? Really? Aren't many overdoing it?
Another myth to look at during this-our food doesn't have any nutritional value. Hmmmm. Let's check THAT out as we go.
So what else is natural and healthy and cheap for us to do that is good for us, but that is being marketed to us with a twist so that we don't do it? Check out the following: sunlight, normal everyday movement, and eating the seeds with our fruits. They have told us sunlight is dangerous for our health, they have genetically altered our foods so they have no seeds, and we are being bombarded with statistics that say that we have to move vigorously, we have to move and move and move or it doesn't count. Not so!
and normal daily movement
So back to us:
We aren't committing to a permanent raw diet, but rather to 30 days of a change in our habitual way of eating. Long enough to notice what the food trance is we have fallen into.
We are testing these tricky waters together as we jump into a radical way of embracing and discovering what really feeds us.
What truly will happen to us when we go a level of raw for 30 days?
And can we?
Are we too addicted to eating sugars, caffeine, carbs that we can't break out of it? That's what we have been told, and what we have believed. The world tells us over and over how highly addictive sugars and caffeines, and carbs are. And we have believed it. Is it true?
Or more importantly, do we choose to continue to believe that it is true?
Do we need to go completely raw? Will we be able to even do it?
What are our beliefs and emotions as we make this journey.
Is it too expensive? Is it too complicated? Is it too difficult? Can we maintain our ordinary lives, AND change our eating habits drastically? And successfully? Or will we fail miserably, crawling back into our potato chip and soda worlds...hah!
The media and medical world says it's too hard, too radical, too dangerous, and too difficult to do.
Bottom line is it's up to US to decide what we want to believe.
Ya hoo! Let's do our own experiment!
I just watched the World Without Cancer movie. It certainly is a lot to think about. I decided a long time ago, that if I ever contracted cancer that I plan to only treat it naturally, to me the standard AMA treatment looked far worse than the disease, that people seem to suffer far worse from the treatments. I have known one person to just let the disease take its course, (I don't know how much he actually suffered) but he lived 20 years with cancer, 20 years longer than the doctors gave him to live.
My cousins' husband fought 7 different bouts with cancer over an 11 year time frame, and I know how much he suffered. I know how much my cousin suffered because of her husband's disease. No way! I won't go through that. I won't put my family through that. I won't. It won't happen that way for me. I will find a different way to die before I let that happen.
I've never heard of a single dog to die from eating the apple cores of apples. And usually that's all the dog gets, is the core.
There just might be something to this...
You're right-my dogs have always loved apple cores. That was their special treat and since I was a child my dogs have done that.
And my grandfather used to always eat the core. My grandmother would chide him for it, but he would peal the apple when he would share it with me, slice bits for me, and then he would eat the core! I forgot all about that! The wisdom of our elders.
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