Here's another OLD one from my days of cooking. My husband asked me to make this yesterday - "since you are going raw, will you make your salsa again?". Yep! I used to make a batch every week, they liked it that much. Like I said, this is getting me back into things I forgot about. I love it!
4-5 large tomatoes (I used to use a can of stewed tomatoes in a pinch)
1/2 green pepper, removing the stem, and cut into hunks
1/2 sm yellow zuccini (optional, or I use any other vege around. green zuc, yellow bell pepper)
1 onion, peeled and quartered
2 tsp jalapenos (fresh use less. If you have a far of them in the fridge, use those. Pickled are ok I think, aren't they?)
2-3 cloves garlic
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Oregano, salt, pepper, cayenne to taste
Squish the tomatoes to get the juice into the bottom of the blender, add the lemon juice, then add everything else so there is enough liquid to get it to whir!
Coarse pulse chop in the blender or food processor just to cut everything up. Don't do it too long-you don't want mush. The textures of this is what is so satisfying I think.
Use on everything! Take this to work in a small plastic bowl to use as salad dressing or with those raw veges.
Rebecca, start taking large romaine lettuce leaves to work and you can make wraps!
"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all"
- Harriet Van Horne
Oh, yeah! Great idea! This looks like a great salsa and filling for wraps. When I get further along I'll switch from the sprout bread to lettuce wraps. I'm just not even that close to going that raw yet. With just the few changes I've made, I've already broken out with some acne. I'm glad to know about the "symptoms" of detox because I can just chalk it up to detox and not worry if things start getting squichy. I really love this blog because it's so easy to find things now. Where was that great salsa recipe Jacquie gave us??? Ha, there it is! :)
I can bring the footbath down and you can try out a session if you like. It helps with acne, and with detoxing. I found I had one small one on my neck, and as long as I do the footbaths, my skin is good.
If you wouldn't mind, I would very much appreciate that!!! Two honking ones on my face and one on the back of my head that really hurts. Thank you!
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