The idea is to join-whether alone, in a group, or virtually, for one hour, at a specific time, in meditation. You don't have to be anywhere but with yourself-
The idea is to commit to doing a small something.
The idea is to live, between now and then, and after, with the understanding that we give thanks, everyday, live from a place of gratitude and abundance, and make a committment to life, and understand that we are not alone.
That's everything we have been moving towards anyway, isn't it? It's everything as a community we have been moving towards. It's everything that as a collective, whether we are aware or not, that we are moving towards...anyway! This is an outward act of committment. "Commit, and we will support you." That's a universal message we have been hearing forever.
A few years ago I realized that I really hadn't committed to living fully. When I listened to her saying that she was going through the motions for 4 years, and still had not committed, I got it. She felt resentful, and pushed. She didn't come to it with her heart-she didn't trust it. She was overcoming those years of sexual abuse and anger and pain.
Finding our passion is about finding our committment. Whether that is to another person, or whether that is to a job, or a cause, but ultimately it is waking up and living the life we have chosen. This one. Not someone else's that looks more exciting or more fulfilling. You chose your life. You.
If it's to spend the day watching the birds, do it with committment to that moment.
If it's to spend the day in the garden pulling weeds, do it with your heart open, sending your sekee lines down into the earth and letting yourself fill with the light of living energy, grace and beauty. Connect to the messages in the shape of the leaves and the glint of light on the petals of those weeds. Make it a prayerful experience-your day to day living.
They've said over and over to us that we have nothing more to do here than to raise our own vibration and by doing so we raise the vibration of all around us. That's huge! It means becoming conscious instead of going through the motions. It's means committing to every day living. It means opening our hearts now, and letting go of those contingencies we've stored up.
So maybe Shelley Yates has taken a near death experience and turned it into a cause for the past 5 years. so what? Is the message less valid? So what that there are tshirts and CDs for sale-you don't have to buy them inorder to be part of this. Buying the tshirt doesn't better your odds-like those magazine contest hypes.
I invite you to notice your first reactions to the idea of FIRE THE GRID.
Do you meet it with doubt?
Do you meet it with irony and disbelief?
Do you meet it with joy?
Do you meet it with anger?
Do you meet it with your head nodding, or shaking?
To me, getting 15,000 hits a day, and 500 emails, and doing back to back talks over and over, day after day, says that there is a community out there ready to unite in doing a better something. That excites me!
You know what all this abundant stuff is about? It's about waking people up! It's about getting a whole BUNCH of people to begin to think that they have a chance to change their "poverty thinking" experience. Ok, so at first it's about the stuff. But once they play with manifesting and GET the stuff, they begin to lighten up the hold on that "survival" mentality, and begin to step up the hierarchy ladder. Maslow's ladder says that when we have our day to day needs taken care of, we can then begin to look altruistically towards helping the world. That's about beginning to be informed through our crown chakra instead of our base chakra. It's exactly what David Hawkins is talking about when he says that when we raise our vibration we are changing our engagement with experiences-not the other way around.
We've been playing with manifesting and creating for awhile-but you all are the bushwhackers. Now realize that there are millions coming up behind you that this is new for! Isn't that exciting! It's what we've been waiting for!
1 comment:
Excited oh my yes.
I don't know if I thought it or really said it, but I am so excited about what is happening right now, I am seeing manifest what I saw over 30 years ago. I am excited that I am participating. This is wonderful.
I see this with such joy!!!!
I feel this with such joy!!!
Can't wait to mix with the energy this weekend with the monks....
To participate in something else that is full of sacredness....
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