Sunday, July 15, 2007

Living in a fog

I've been on an extreme low for the last few weeks. My creativity is nill, my energy level and motivation is low. Physical exertion, overwork, and the abominable heat have taken their toll. Added to this is I just can't seem to make people happy, at home or at work. And to make matters worse, I catch myself looking ahead for tomorrow's salvation instead of living in the present.
My hairdresser said something profound - that my body was trying to catch up with the transformations I've been going through, and I was being influenced by the energetic shifts occurring within the collective. Then surprisingly he said, 'Do you ever dream about flying?" And it came to me in a flash - yes, I remember flying. I remember soaring and gliding. I remember a huge cavern with people on the ground and I was light, lighter than air, floating far above the crowd. Was this a dream? Or something that I experienced in a lifetime long ago? Or will it be in a lifetime to come?

How can I capture and keep with me this lightness, this essential feeling of freedom?


CatherineAnn said...

I love the flying dreams. I think that is what it feels like to not have a body. Free and flying........

Joy! said...

I love the parachute ride at Lagoon-it's that sensation of moving through the air-free!

Pam, it's so good to hear you say something! :) As Lauren just posted-trust it to God...
and check yourself for why it's your responsibility to make everyone happy? Is that the way it's always been?

DO the fire the grid meditation in some form. I'm burning the songs right now to take with me. NO ONE is Chicago has heard about this-so I will be opening it up there. That's cool...bushwacking again.

Jacqueline Brown, said...

I think your hairdresser sounds very awake.
The first thing that came to my mind as I was reading your post is that you have been running the frequencies. I am wondering out loud that if its something that you don't need will it effect you as well. I remember how effected we were at Bear Lake when we ran them and if you don't have AD36, then what does it do to you. Just asking.
It sounds like you need to take sometime and go blow the stink off.
I agree with Joy in that we can't please others in our lives, but when we are pleasing ourselves then the other doesn't seem to bother us as bad.
Find someplace beautiful to get centered.
Glad to hear from you.

Pam said...

Actually, no, I haven't been running frequencies other than absorbing CA's and Rebecca's. All good thoughts, everyone. Thanks for the input.