No one has posted about this? I'm so curious-did you meet? Did you feel anything? I set my alarm and decided to say the OM MANE PADME HUM for an hour as I forgot to take the music.
At about half way my entire body started to shake uncontrollably and that lasted in waves for about 10 minutes. It calmed and I found myself very sleepy. I had to rock to stay awake to complete it, then I immediately dozed off until we had to get up for class.
The GCP is the "Global Consciousness Project" through Princeton. They DID note a statistically significant upward blip in human consciousness that day! How about that!
If you don't know who they are, the GCP has been measuring the shifting vibration in human collective/mass consciousness since 1998. This is multi cultural, international, multi-disciplinary, conglomeration of scientists, engineers, artists and others to track the consciousness of the world.
They have placed 60 instruments (called eggs) around the planet that measure deviations from norm and changes due to events, natural events, and disasters.
More to the point, from a scientific standpoint, is the rise in mass consciousness vibration since the GCP project started in 1998. Another quote: "The overall result is highly significant. The odds against chance are about a million to one," meaning that there IS a generally rising vibration of human consciousness.
fire the grid results
and this is their whole website:
Well I have nothing to report really. Margie my friend from Ky strongly discouraged following the direction given by Firing the Grid and reported that these beings being channeled did not ever identify themselves. She felt strongly that we should send love to the planet for the evolution but that Firing the Grid would in fact cause damage to the grid. SHe sent several emails out explaining her concern and felt it was s smoke screen, not highly evolved beings coming through this women. So I woke up and sent love to the planet but did not I am sorry to say stay awake. However that day, my mood was exceptionally high. I have to beleive that some of my shifting and rocking and rolling is related to picking up on the energies that are not always my own.
ah too bad. I found it amazing energy, and sweetly offered. I did get the emails. Didn't know it was her.
I checked inside and felt that I could trust myself, and wasn't worried. I find it interesting that people are so intent on sending out fear memes "in our best interest".
There are only two messages-one is fear, and one is love.
Isn't this the same woman that follows Almine?
Used to work with Almine.
I don't think it was Margie's intent to instill fear, I think it was more about discernment.
I think we have a tendency to think spirits out of body are always wise with best intentions when they are being channeled and I don't think that is wise. I also don't want to give up my senority to beings I don't know. I would prefer to trust my inner knowing, my core essence. However there is something to be said about the communion space and what we gather from others.
Of course you had a good experience, it reflected your intent and your essence.
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