Saturday, July 7, 2007


This is very cool and gives you the words to chant along. Use this to meditate to-a visual mediation. Some background:
Gayatri is the feminine form of the sanskrit word for hymn, and was a Goddess, the mother of all vedas...the ultimate unchanging that lies behind...the 3 realms of existence...past present and future.

She will sometimes show as the Goddess of education: with a white swan
a divine awakening of the mind and soul

om bhoor bhuva suvah
tat savitur vareNyam
bhargo devasya dheemahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat

"O God, Thou art the giver of life, the remover of pain and sorrow, the bestower of happiness; O Creator of the Universe, may we receive Thy supreme, sin destroying light; may Thou guide our intellect in the right direction."


Jacqueline Brown, said...

I love the hymns....chanting.... I wish I could remember more of the Sanskrit I learned. I loved going to Caliannis' class, she would sing. Of course Sanskrit is about the sound. I love the richness of this language.

Lina said...

Lina said...
Thank you! I didn't believe to get so much!

mudman said...

Very nicely done video of the mantra. I have been compiling detailed explanation of the significance and context of the Gayatri Mantra. In all humility, I submit the summary of my research on Gayatri below...AUM!

Gayatri Mantra on Eaglespace