Sunday, July 8, 2007

Interview with Alex Grey

I'm totally avoiding my work. But! Here's a great video interview on Alex Grey and his beautiful mystical art.

and look at this as a studio--wow!


CatherineAnn said...

His paintings are amazing. How interesting is it that he painted the one with George W. embracing a terrorist 12 years before 2001. I would love to see his work in person. Where is his work on display?

Joy! said...

and the twin towers...

let's see if we can manifest him here is SLC shall we?
Lauren met him recently so I would say NY.

Bo said...

INCREDIBLE! I wonder why I have never heard about his man's vision and this painting about 911? Loved the Dick next to Bush by the way. There has been a rape of many, wonder when the American people will wake up. Soon I think, and there will be a mourning of great magnitude for what our country has done.

Before my Mom died, she told me I beleive we are living in the end times. It's here we are on the cusp of the transition and we have a foot in both worlds.

Fortunate for us we can hold the space for this transition. It may be a bumpy ride but all I can say is, THROW YOUR ARMS UP IN THE AIR AND SCREAM WHEEEEEE! Cause anything else would be futile at this point. Ride the Joy and see nothing else. We have work to do.

Joy! said...

You know, that's one way of looking at it, but I think that the more people that switch to our ways of thinking, the less energy there is for "the dark times" and the more people that wake up the less energy that goes to the fear.

that's really what the truth is about all the abundance "hype". The more that get that they make their own reality, and they can have it better...the more that refuse to succumb to the fear that is media driven.

Our work is in staying higher! ;) That sounds like a druggie joke from George Carlin-and I'm so serious! Keeping our frequency, our vibration-HIGHER!

Yahoo! What better work is there than that?