Saturday, July 7, 2007

Killer Vespa

Tonight the guys wanted me to get on the Vespa at long last. I'm like "Ok, I'm ready-bring it out!" Years ago when I bought it T had pointed it down our long driveway in Ogden...and I had intuitively known that wasn't gonna be a good idea-so I had refused. But now-with our nice little flat driveway-I was ready!

T says "I want to see this!" I smile, get on in my skirt, pretty cocky it can't be that big a deal...and

VOOOOOMMMMM....sucker goes fast! Before I knew it I was flying out the driveway, across the street and was up on the neighbor's lawn before I remembered I could brake, and how to! T says I threw my feet out to either side into the air and looked like I was hanging on!

I was!

I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the bike! I was doubled over laughing. I kept seeing what I had looked like and couldn't stop laughing! Tony was about to split himself he was laughing so hard. He finally said "You could have KILLED yourself!" I said "I know!" He said "What if a car had been coming!" I said "I know!"

Maybe I better go back to the bike and forget the motor for awhile! That little thing is ZIPPY! One red yamaha for sale?


Jacqueline Brown, said...

Sounds like a wild

Anonymous said...

thats sounds so fun!!!

Joy! said...

Tony is still laughing!

Bo said...

As I said, Throw your arms up and Scream WHEEEEE! Get back on the pony and ride Sally RIDE!