Anyone seen Michael Moore's latest? SICKO. Get this-he is getting THE LEAST amount of flak for this film and that scares him. He says that means that this time no one is surprised by what he has to say...
If you haven't heard about it, it's about our medical system. He says it isn't safe to get sick in this country! And he shows why...all the dirty little secrets of the insurance companies, and hospitals.
I think we should see this as a field trip and then go for our annual dinner.
Yes, let's go see it. It's playing downtown at the Broadway so we could eat somewhere downtown.
I'm in for sure.
However, some times I get my feelings hurt. Just need to say that out loud. I don't beleive for a minute that everyone in medicine doesn't give a damn or is in a conspiracy to make money and just fuck over the patient. Many of us have worked very hard and are doing the best we can. You have no idea how complex it all is and how difficult it can be. Did you know that if patients just stayed at home and didn't go for care probably 95% of them would get well w/o any intervention. Those are the patients that go to primary care providers, I'm not talking about true emergencies, just general illness. THus the placebo affect. The patient just needs someone to hold space so they feel supported while they heal. I don't know the percentage really but it is very high. NO intervention. Just living, doing life TEA CUP!
im in too just not free this saturday night
Bo I think it's about the health care system, not the health care workers, but I could be wrong.
perfectly said CA.
And you know, it is all about being seen and heard-sometimes Bo, you're right, all they need is some interaction, validation...the old fashioned doctor's visit. Remember the days? He came by, checked you out, told you you weren't dying, gave you some pills (often just sugar) and you got better.
I almost remember doctor's visits. I'm a bit young for them...really! The doc used to visit the house at my grandmother's in England.
It is so true. Sometimes all I have to do is repeat with the patient says to me and then sit quietly and hold space and the mad lady shifts.
As for my reaction, I feel a bit like Emmily Latella on Sat Night Live- "Oh,never mind".
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