isnt 'money' just another word for other? isnt it the same with relationships husbands friends kids jobs food alcohol etc....some of us wake up years later going i swear i started this with a beautiful dream good intentions and somehow it snowballed and i woke up here???
hmmm i didnt even check out the website so i didnt see the money part...i think the changepoint the point thats a complete turnoff for me, the sadness, is when someone loses sight of what the mission was in the first with the secret great idea went off in wrong directionin my view --- even with religions great ideas beautiful ideas but wrong way of interpreting and expressing and shift into controlling and rules and limits etc......same with people in govnt....ive had this discussion over and over about certain people who take govt positions they begin wanting to make a change wanting to make a difference do good and be kind and either they find out they have to play the game and get addicted to it instead of the cause or they get sucked away and lose themselves.....even the army or navy what a great idea in theory a group of (well initially men) a form of ritual formed to protect and serve beautiful....then somehow with fear and rules and control and misguided leadership we end up wonder many young people wanted or still want to join and feel a call its the initial dream that people yearn for that moment when change was possible a new idea is born something that seems idealistic and promising and free....i see how people get swept away by these fanatical people....people want to believe that the dream is still possible....that impossible dream...or possible one....
after celebrating july 4th yesterday i still think the ideas of 'america' were brilliant initially what an amazing group of pioneers explorers who believed in a vision of a different way of life but look how much damage weve caused to get 'there' whereever there is...but it was that vision that dream .... wow...thats what people want to connect to not the rules the bullshit the fear the suffering....
i think it is about HOLDING ground no matter what...yes you may have to bend and may have to do a few things you wish you didnt have to to get where you want but must not lose sight of it and go all 'dirty cop' if you get my drift...must not lose integrity or give it up...i think its a larger lesson in general....its easy to get swept away by the big lights and lose yourself....or get hooked up to the wrong people who arent nuturing you or are bad energy....
if you know who you are and what your beliefs are i think you can play the game make money enjoy nice things and maintain integrity and loyalty and be true to who you many people fold though under pressure and run after green eyed monster or give up power to 'other'...
you can see it though in their eyes i think...its sort of a sadness for what could have been that innocent spark that somehow was lost became jaded--- but its that belief in infinite potential in magic that still is in there somewhere....thats the divine child.....
fanatical is just another word for passionate...
yep true
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