I think that that's the struggle we all have, don't you?
Trusting that no matter what the details are that are going on and in our face, that there really is a bigger plan, and we allow ourselves to be in trust that it's all for a greater good...
and then again, since WE are God, it's then all full circle back to trusting the God within us...
It is....................
I hear you
I think that that's the struggle we all have, don't you?
Trusting that no matter what the details are that are going on and in our face, that there really is a bigger plan, and we allow ourselves to be in trust that it's all for a greater good...
and then again, since WE are God, it's then all full circle back to trusting the God within us...
It is about trusting ourselves I feel. God can take care of herself. It's us that gets in our own way.
yep so true....trusting self and surrendering to self and higher source (be it us or us tapping into something greather out there)
Trusting that we can get out of our own way.
I was told for years, Jac, just let go and let God. Lord I can be soooo stubborn.
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