Yesterday morning I assumed my 'writing' position. I had my blanket, coffee, laptop, and was in my recliner-sans dog. I have hung that lovely copper tray outside the windown and put birdseed in it. It often has as many as ten finches all merrily munching together.
Yesterday for the first time, there was a big bluejay. She just kept staring in the window at me, taking one kernal of corn in her beak, and showing it to me. Not eating it-but gesturing at me with it. As I watched her, I was reminded of my ancient shamanic teacher that used to always say "Can you grow corn with it?" I swear I could feel Don Manual there, laughing quietly, waggling his head just the way the BlueJay was.
Meaning-sort for what is useful. Good message as I begin to write.
But the messages continued!
I glanced back and she had shapeshifted into a big magpie-quick as a flash they had changed positions soundlessly, same place, a kernal of corn in his mouth and a dead-in-the-eye look, then flash, the bluejay was back, and in slow motion she put her head back and swallowed the kernal whole.
Bluejay-shift-magpie-shift-bluejay...they were insisting on my understanding something.
They seemed to say, "do you get it?"
I said "No! More information." Just in that exact moment, a flock of ducks started quacking together in a huge burst of noise, and then shortly after that the geese started honking and I saw a formation of them fly off. Usually I never hear them, and certainly not like that. It was unusual, and perfectly timed.
I thought, "ok, let's look all this up and see the messages."

Bluejay-don't let yourself get scattered.
Corn kernals-focus on what will grow-what is useful, and toss the rest. Be selective.

Magpie-open up the doorways to the spirit. Use your metaphysical powers.
Bluejay-use your power wisely

Duck-return to the parts that need to feel safe

Goose-communicate and imprint your life path-the great quest begins.
So how is that for a message right as I am about to begin an internal quest to find those lost and wounded children?
We are so supported, so communicated with! The messages are everywhere...
I'd say that's a mouth full!
How complex it all becomes as you grow in your understanding.
Yes it really is all out there isn't it....
What a very cool experience...shapeshift...
Doesn't it also show flexibiity...
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