Water...Emotion, like the river they seem to be running quite high right now. There is beauty in this fast running water. Symbolically it reflects how fast we are working through emotions that no longer serve us. I love how we are connection to the solidarity of ourselves as a group and as individuals. Can we also move into the quiet depths of still water, can we appreciate our moments of this quiet, alone time. In look at the pictures I chose I thought also that they are still part of the canyon as well, connected to the rocks and flora.
As a child I liked being alone as well as having my friends. I don't know that I have experienced loneliness. I have had longing for a particular person or persons but loneliness, I don't know. Alone is a state of being, while loneliness is an emotion of not feeling isolated, emptiness. Is my cup full or empty, hmmmm.
In observing myself and those around me I see us all coming to the place that we are totally anchored in the center of our beings. Coming to the place that we have the memories of our experience but not the triggers of that it experience.
The picture of the trees in the mist describes for me what lonely would look like. Although there is stark beauty in this frame.
We are all so beautiful......AHO
Beautiful Jac!
Jac you said it perfectly.
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