Saturday, October 20, 2007

Movies, movies, movies

I've been sitting here all morning surfing the Internet and watching very old western movies with my 80-year-old father. Interesting to see Clint Eastwood with pimples on his chin. While surfing, I ran across an interesting website written by a geologist turned mystic: Preparing for the Great Shift. He states that according to the Arcturians, movies are "critical to the galactic transformative stage" by their capacity to initiate shifts in human consciousness. This is because movies are actually third-dimensional manifestations of a fourth-dimensional reality (the astral realm). He has also published a list of movies that have received a higher dimensional blessing by the Arcturians as "management training films." I was surprised to see that the list contains most of my favorite movies! He gives the URL for a website that allows you to search for movies: The Mystical Movie Guide, and a service for spiritual movies similar to bookclubs with a monthly fee: Spiritual Cinema Circle. I'm actually considering joining because it looks intriguing.


Pam said...

Here's an idea. What if everyone went in on the monthly fee and we got together once a month for a movie fest?

CatherineAnn said...

I like that idea. How much is the fee?

Bo said...

I think that is a very cool idea. Let's do it.

Joy! said...

let's do it! We can see the movies at the building with the big screen projector if you all wanted?